
A queue is a fundamental data structure that follows the First In, First Out (FIFO) principle.

It is designed to hold elements in a linear order, and the order in which elements are added to the queue is the order in which they will be removed.

In a queue, elements are added to one end (the rear or tail) and removed from the other end (the front or head).

It represents a collection of elements with two principal operations: enqueue and dequeue.

The implementation of a queue can be done using various data structures, such as arrays or linked lists. 

Some key characteristics and operations of a queue:


1. FIFO Principle (First In, First Out):

   - The element that has been in the queue the longest is the first one to be removed.


2. Operations:

   - Enqueue (Insertion): Adding an element to the rear of the queue.

   - Dequeue (Removal): Removing an element from the front of the queue.

   - Front: Accessing the element at the front without removing it.

   - Rear: Accessing the element at the rear without removing it.


3. Empty Queue:

   - A queue is said to be empty if it contains no elements.


4. Full Queue:

   - A queue is said to be full when its capacity is reached (in cases where the queue has a fixed size).


5. Applications:

   - Queues are used in various applications, including job scheduling, task management, breadth-first search (BFS) algorithms, print spooling, and more.


6. Implementation:

   - Queues can be implemented using various underlying data structures, such as arrays or linked lists. The choice of implementation depends on the specific requirements and characteristics of the application.


Example:-  People waiting in line at a ticket counter. The first person who arrives is the first to get a ticket (enqueue), and as people are served, they leave the line from the front (dequeue). This arrangement ensures that the person who has been waiting the longest is the first to be served.



Types of Queues

There are several types of queues, each designed for specific use cases or scenarios.

The main types of queues include:


1. Simple Queue:

   - A simple queue is the basic form of a queue where elements are added at the rear and removed from the front. It follows the First In, First Out (FIFO) principle.


2. Circular Queue:

   - In a circular queue, the rear and front pointers wrap around, creating a circular arrangement. This allows efficient use of space and avoids the limitation of a fixed-size queue where elements might be prevented from being added even if there is available space.


3. Priority Queue:

   - A priority queue assigns a priority to each element and removes elements according to their priority. Elements with higher priority are dequeued before elements with lower priority.


4. Double-Ended Queue (Deque):

   - A double-ended queue allows insertion and deletion at both the front and rear ends. It provides more flexibility than a simple queue.


5. Blocking Queue:

   - A blocking queue is designed to block or wait when an operation is attempted on an empty queue (dequeue) or a full queue (enqueue). This is often used in concurrent programming.


6. Queue with Limited Capacity:

   - In some applications, a queue has a fixed capacity, and once this capacity is reached, further attempts to enqueue may result in an error.


7. Double-Queue:

   - A double queue is similar to a double-ended queue but with two separate ends for enqueuing. Elements can be added at either end, but they are removed from a single end.


8. Priority Dequeue (Priority Double-Ended Queue):

   - A priority dequeue combines the features of a priority queue and a double-ended queue. Elements can be enqueued and dequeued from both ends, and priority is considered for dequeuing.


9. Real-time Queue:

   - Real-time queues are designed to handle real-time systems where elements must be processed within strict time constraints. Priority may be given based on the urgency or timing requirements.


10. Bounded Priority Queue:

    - In a bounded priority queue, elements are assigned priorities, but there is also a limit on the number of elements with the same priority that can be enqueued.


The choice of the type of queue depends on the specific requirements of the application. Different types of queues are suitable for different scenarios, and selecting the appropriate type is crucial for efficient and effective system design.


Advantages of Queue.

Queues offer several advantages in computer science and programming.

Some key advantages of queues are:


1. First In, First Out (FIFO) Order:

   - Queues follow the FIFO principle, ensuring that the first element added is the first one to be removed. This characteristic is useful in scenarios where the order of processing or execution matters.


2. Simple and Easy to Understand:

   - Queues have a straightforward and intuitive behavior, making them easy to understand and implement. This simplicity contributes to the readability and maintainability of code.


3. Effective for Task Scheduling:

   - In task scheduling systems, queues are often used to manage and schedule tasks. The FIFO order ensures that tasks are processed in the order they are received.


4. Breadth-First Search (BFS) Algorithms:

   - Queues are fundamental in BFS algorithms for traversing or searching through graphs or trees level by level. This approach is important in various applications, including network routing and web crawling.


5. Resource Sharing and Synchronization:

   - In concurrent programming, queues can be used for resource sharing and synchronization between threads or processes. Threads enqueue tasks to be executed, and other threads dequeue and execute those tasks.


6. Buffering and Data Flow Control:

   - Queues are commonly used as buffers to manage data flow between components or systems with different processing speeds. This helps in controlling and balancing the flow of data.


7. Efficient Memory Management:

   - In scenarios where the size of the data is unknown or dynamic, queues offer efficient memory management. Elements can be dynamically added and removed without requiring a fixed-size allocation.


8. Supports Sequential Processing:

   - In scenarios where processing must occur in a sequential order, queues are a natural choice. For example, in print spooling, jobs are processed in the order they are received.


9. Effective for Parallel Processing:

   - Queues can be used to implement producer-consumer patterns, where one part of a program generates data (producer), and another part consumes the data (consumer). This is common in parallel processing systems.


10. Prevents Data Overwrite:

    - In scenarios where multiple entities produce data and a single consumer processes it, a queue prevents data overwrite. The consumer processes data one item at a time, avoiding conflicts.


11. Task Queues in Web Servers:

    - Web servers often use queues to manage incoming requests. Each request is placed in a queue, and the server processes requests in the order they are received.


The advantages of queues make them a versatile and widely used data structure in various applications, ranging from algorithmic problem-solving to system design and concurrent programming.


Disadvantage of Queue.

Some of the drawbacks of using queues are:


1. Limited Random Access:

   - Access to elements in a queue is typically limited to the front and rear. Random access to elements within the middle of the queue is not efficiently supported. If random access is a requirement, other data structures like arrays or linked lists might be more suitable.


2. Fixed Size (in Some Implementations):

   - In certain implementations, especially with arrays, queues may have a fixed size. Once the capacity is reached, further enqueue operations may result in an overflow error. This limitation can be addressed by using dynamic data structures.


3. Overhead in Dynamic Memory Management:

   - Dynamic memory allocation and deallocation, which are often used in linked implementations of queues, can introduce overhead and affect performance. This can be a concern in real-time or performance-critical applications.


4. Not Ideal for Real-time Applications:

   - In real-time systems, the use of queues may introduce latency, especially in scenarios where tasks must be processed within strict time constraints. Priority queues or other data structures may be more suitable.


5. Unsuitable for Parallel Processing in Some Cases:

   - While queues are commonly used for parallel processing, in certain scenarios where complex synchronization is required, managing shared queues can become challenging and may lead to contention or deadlocks.


6. Complexity in Implementation:

   - In scenarios with complex operations like priority queues or double-ended queues, the implementation can become more intricate and may require careful design and maintenance.


7. Memory Overhead in Linked Implementations:

   - Linked implementations of queues may introduce additional memory overhead due to the need for storing pointers/references along with the actual data.


8. Potential for Resource Contention:

   - In scenarios where multiple processes or threads are accessing a shared queue, contention for resources may occur. Proper synchronization mechanisms are needed to address this issue.


9. Increased Complexity in Handling Errors:

   - Error handling in queues, such as overflow or underflow conditions, can add complexity to the code. Developers need to carefully manage these scenarios to ensure the proper functioning of the program.


10. May Not Preserve Order in Certain Implementations:

    - Some specialized implementations of queues, such as priority queues, may not strictly adhere to the FIFO order. While they serve specific purposes, they might not be suitable for scenarios requiring strict order preservation.



Use / Applications of Queue.

Queues are widely used in various applications and scenarios due to their versatility and adherence to the First In, First Out (FIFO) principle.

Some common use cases and applications of queues:


1. Task Scheduling:

   - Queues are frequently used in task scheduling systems. In operating systems, processes or jobs waiting to be executed are placed in a queue, and the CPU processes them in the order they were received.


2. Breadth-First Search (BFS) Algorithms:

   - BFS algorithms traverse or search through graphs or trees level by level. Queues are used to store and manage nodes to be processed in a breadth-first manner.


3. Print Spooling:

   - In print spooling systems, print jobs are placed in a queue and processed in the order they are received. This ensures a fair and orderly printing process.


4. Buffering and Data Flow Control:

   - Queues are used as buffers in networking and communication systems to manage data flow between devices with different processing speeds. This helps in controlling and balancing the flow of data.


5. Web Servers and Task Queues:

   - Web servers often use queues to manage incoming requests. Each request is placed in a queue, and the server processes requests in the order they are received. Task queues are also used for handling background tasks in web applications.


6. Job Scheduling in Operating Systems:

   - In job scheduling, tasks or processes are placed in a queue to be executed by the operating system. The scheduler ensures fairness and efficiency in the allocation of resources.


7. Call Centre Systems:

   - Call centers often use queues to manage incoming calls. Calls are placed in a queue and are answered by available agents in the order they are received.


8. Message Queues in Inter-Process Communication (IPC):

   - Message queues facilitate communication between processes or threads. Messages are placed in a queue, and the receiving process dequeues and processes them.


9. Printers and Print Queues:

   - Print queues are used in printer systems to manage print jobs. Each print job is placed in a queue, and the printer processes the jobs in the order they are received.


10. Parallel Processing and Multithreading:

    - Queues are commonly used for communication between parallel processes or threads. One process/thread may enqueue data, and another process/thread may dequeue and process it.


11. Buffering in I/O Operations:

    - Queues are used to buffer input and output operations in systems where the speed of data production or consumption varies.


12. Caching Systems:

    - Queues are employed in caching systems to manage the order in which items are added or removed from the cache. This ensures efficient use of limited cache space.



Structure of Queue.

The structure of a queue can be implemented using various underlying data structures, with the two most common implementations being array-based and linked list-based queues.

The structure typically consists of the following components:


1. Front (or Head):

   - The front of the queue refers to the position where elements are dequeued (removed). It is the end from which elements are removed.


2. Rear (or Tail):

   - The rear of the queue is the position where new elements are enqueued (added). It is the end to which elements are added.


3. Capacity (for Array-based Queue):

   - In an array-based implementation, the capacity indicates the maximum number of elements the queue can hold. Once the capacity is reached, further enqueue operations may result in an overflow.


4. Pointers (for Linked List-based Queue):

   - In a linked list-based implementation, each node in the linked list contains a data element and a pointer/reference to the next node. The front and rear pointers point to the first and last nodes, respectively.


5. Count or Size:

   - The count or size of the queue represents the number of elements currently present in the queue. It helps in determining whether the queue is empty or full.


 Array-based Queue Structure:



|  Front  |  ...  |  ...  |  Rear  |


^                           ^

Front Pointer               Rear Pointer


 Linked List-based Queue Structure:


   Front                Rear

    |                    |

    v                    v

-----------------   -----------------

| Data | Next  |   | Data | Next  |   ...

-----------------   -----------------


In both structures, the front and rear pointers are updated as elements are enqueued or dequeued. The array-based implementation may require careful management of indices to handle circular queue scenarios efficiently.


The choice between array-based and linked list-based implementations depends on the specific requirements of the application, including factors such as dynamic resizing, memory management, and performance considerations.


Brief description of each operation-:


 Enqueue (Insertion):


1. Add the element to the rear of the queue.

2. Update the rear pointer.


 Dequeue (Removal):


1. Remove the element from the front of the queue.

2. Update the front pointer.


 Front (Peek):


1. Return the element at the front of the queue.

2. Does not remove the element.


 Rear (Peek):


1. Return the element at the rear of the queue.

2. Does not remove the element.




1. Return true if the queue is empty.

2. Return false if the queue contains elements.


 IsFull (for Fixed-size Queue):


1. Return true if the queue is full (capacity reached).

2. Return false if there is still space in the queue.


Algorithms of Primitive Operations of Queue.


 Enqueue (Insertion) Algorithm:


1. If Rear == MAX_SIZE - 1, then

   a. Print "Queue is full. Cannot enqueue."

   b. Return

2. Increment Rear by 1

3. Set Queue[Rear] = element

4. If Front is undefined, set Front to 0


 Dequeue (Removal) Algorithm:


1. If Front is undefined, then

   a. Print "Queue is empty. Cannot dequeue."

   b. Return

2. Element = Queue[Front]

3. If Front == Rear, then

   a. Set Front and Rear to undefined

4. Else

   a. Increment Front by 1

5. Return Element


Front (Peek) Algorithm:


1. If Front is undefined, then

   a. Print "Queue is empty. No front element."

   b. Return undefined

2. Return Queue[Front]


 Rear (Peek) Algorithm:


1. If Rear is undefined, then

   a. Print "Queue is empty. No rear element."

   b. Return undefined

2. Return Queue[Rear]


 IsEmpty Algorithm:


1. Return (Front is undefined)


 IsFull (for Fixed-size Queue) Algorithm:


1. Return (Rear == MAX_SIZE - 1)


Note: The MAX_SIZE constant in the IsFull algorithm represents the maximum capacity of the queue. Adjust it based on the specific requirements of the queue implementation.


Examples of Primitive operations of Queue in C++ and Python.

 C++ Example: cpp


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


const int MAX_SIZE = 5;


class Queue {


    int Front, Rear;

    int array[MAX_SIZE];



    Queue() : Front(-1), Rear(-1) {}


    void Enqueue(int element) {

        if (Rear == MAX_SIZE - 1) {

            cout << "Queue is full. Cannot enqueue.\n";



        if (Front == -1) {

            Front = 0;


        array[++Rear] = element;



    int Dequeue() {

        if (Front == -1) {

            cout << "Queue is empty. Cannot dequeue.\n";

            return -1; // Assuming -1 as an error code; adjust as needed


        int element = array[Front++];

        if (Front > Rear) {

            Front = Rear = -1;


        return element;



    int FrontElement() {

        if (Front == -1) {

            cout << "Queue is empty. No front element.\n";

            return -1; // Assuming -1 as an error code; adjust as needed


        return array[Front];



    int RearElement() {

        if (Rear == -1) {

            cout << "Queue is empty. No rear element.\n";

            return -1; // Assuming -1 as an error code; adjust as needed


        return array[Rear];



    bool IsEmpty() {

        return (Front == -1);



    bool IsFull() {

        return (Rear == MAX_SIZE - 1);




int main() {

    Queue myQueue;






    cout << "Front element: " << myQueue.FrontElement() << endl;

    cout << "Rear element: " << myQueue.RearElement() << endl;




    cout << "Front element after dequeue: " << myQueue.FrontElement() << endl;


    return 0;




 Python Example:

class Queue:

    def __init__(self):

        self.front = -1

        self.rear = -1

        self.array = [None] * MAX_SIZE


    def enqueue(self, element):

        if self.rear == MAX_SIZE - 1:

            print("Queue is full. Cannot enqueue.")


        if self.front == -1:

            self.front = 0

        self.rear += 1

        self.array[self.rear] = element


    def dequeue(self):

        if self.front == -1:

            print("Queue is empty. Cannot dequeue.")

            return -1  # Assuming -1 as an error code; adjust as needed

        element = self.array[self.front]

        self.front += 1

        if self.front > self.rear:

            self.front = self.rear = -1

        return element


    def front_element(self):

        if self.front == -1:

            print("Queue is empty. No front element.")

            return -1  # Assuming -1 as an error code; adjust as needed

        return self.array[self.front]


    def rear_element(self):

        if self.rear == -1:

            print("Queue is empty. No rear element.")

            return -1  # Assuming -1 as an error code; adjust as needed

        return self.array[self.rear]


    def is_empty(self):

        return self.front == -1


    def is_full(self):

        return self.rear == MAX_SIZE - 1




# Example Usage

my_queue = Queue()






print(f"Front element: {my_queue.front_element()}")

print(f"Rear element: {my_queue.rear_element()}")




print(f"Front element after dequeue: {my_queue.front_element()}")


Circular Queue

A circular queue, also known as a circular buffer or ring buffer, is a variation of the basic queue data structure.

In a circular queue, the last element is connected to the first element, forming a circle or loop.

This circular arrangement overcomes the limitation of a standard linear queue, where the queue becomes full and unusable when the rear reaches the end of the underlying array or linked list.


The key characteristics of a circular queue include:


1. Circular Structure:

   - The elements in a circular queue are stored in a circular or ring-like manner, where the last element is connected to the first element. This circular arrangement allows for efficient use of available space.


2. Front and Rear Pointers:

   - Similar to a standard queue, a circular queue has front and rear pointers. The front pointer points to the first element, and the rear pointer points to the last element. These pointers move circularly as elements are enqueued or dequeued.


3. Wraparound:

   - When the rear pointer reaches the end of the circular structure, it wraps around to the beginning, creating a continuous loop. This wraparound feature allows for efficient utilization of space.


4. Fixed Size:

   - Circular queues are often implemented with a fixed-size array or linked list. The circular arrangement allows for continuous use of space without the need to resize the structure.


Basic operations on a circular queue include:


- Enqueue (Insertion):

  - Adds an element to the rear of the circular queue.


- Dequeue (Removal):

  - Removes an element from the front of the circular queue.


- Front (Peek):

  - Returns the element at the front without removing it.


- Rear (Peek):

  - Returns the element at the rear without removing it.


- IsFull:

  - Check if the circular queue is full.


- IsEmpty:

  - Checks if the circular queue is empty.

Features of Circular Queue

Circular queues share many features with standard queues, but their circular structure introduces some specific characteristics.

The key features of a circular queue:


1. Circular Structure:

   - The most distinctive feature of a circular queue is its circular arrangement of elements. The last element is connected to the first element, creating a loop or ring-like structure.


2. Front and Rear Pointers:

   - Like linear queues, circular queues have front and rear pointers. The front pointer points to the first element, and the rear pointer points to the last element. These pointers move circularly as elements are enqueued or dequeued.


3. Wraparound:

   - When the rear pointer reaches the end of the circular structure, it wraps around to the beginning, allowing for continuous use of space. This wraparound feature is essential for efficient utilization of the circular arrangement.


4. Fixed Size:

   - Circular queues are typically implemented with a fixed-size array or linked list. The fixed size ensures that the circular structure remains constant, and wraparound occurs when necessary.


5. Efficient Use of Space:

   - The circular arrangement allows for more efficient use of available space compared to linear queues. Once the rear pointer reaches the end, it wraps around to the beginning, reusing space released by dequeue operations.


6. FIFO Order (First In, First Out):

   - Circular queues adhere to the FIFO principle. The element that has been in the queue the longest is the first to be dequeued.


7. Enqueue Operation:

   - The enqueue operation adds an element to the rear of the circular queue. If the rear pointer reaches the end, it wraps around to the beginning.


8. Dequeue Operation:

   - The dequeue operation removes an element from the front of the circular queue. If the front and rear pointers coincide after a dequeue, the queue is considered empty, and the pointers are reset.


9. IsEmpty and IsFull Conditions:

   - The isEmpty condition checks if the circular queue is empty (front and rear pointers coincide), and the isFull condition checks if the circular queue is full (rear is just before the front, considering wraparound).


10. Efficient for Buffering:

    - Circular queues are commonly used in buffering scenarios where data continuously flows, and space needs to be efficiently managed. Examples include data buffering in communication systems.


11. Efficient for Task Scheduling:

    - In task scheduling systems, circular queues efficiently manage a queue of tasks that need to be executed in a cyclic manner.


Structure of circular queue

The structure of a circular queue is similar to that of a standard queue, with the addition of features to support its circular nature. The basic components of a circular queue include:


1. Front Pointer:

   - The front pointer points to the front (or head) of the circular queue, indicating the position from which elements are dequeued.


2. Rear Pointer:

   - The rear pointer points to the rear (or tail) of the circular queue, indicating the position to which new elements are enqueued.


3. Array (or Linked List):

   - The underlying data structure that holds the elements of the circular queue. It can be an array or a linked list, depending on the implementation.


4. Capacity (for Array-based Circular Queue):

   - In an array-based implementation, the capacity represents the maximum number of elements the circular queue can hold. It helps in managing the circular arrangement efficiently.


Simplified representation of the structure of a circular queue:







|  ...  |  ...  |  ...  |  ...  |  ...  |


^                                   ^

Rear Pointer            Front Pointer


In a circular queue, the last element is connected to the first element, forming a circular arrangement.

This circular structure allows for efficient use of space and avoids the limitation of a fixed-size linear queue where the queue becomes full and unusable.


The front and rear pointers move circularly as elements are enqueued or dequeued. When the rear pointer reaches the end, it wraps around to the beginning, creating a continuous loop.

This wraparound ensures that space is continuously reused, making the circular queue behave as if it were cyclic.


Operations  of Circular Queue

Circular queues support various operations that enable the manipulation and inspection of elements within the queue.

The basic operations for a circular queue include:


1. Enqueue (Insertion):

   - Adds an element to the rear (tail) of the circular queue. If the queue is full, it may result in an overflow.



   1. If (Rear + 1) % MAX_SIZE == Front, then

      a. Print "Queue is full. Cannot enqueue."

      b. Return

   2. Set Rear = (Rear + 1) % MAX_SIZE

   3. Set CircularQueue[Rear] = element

   4. If Front is undefined, set Front to 0


2. Dequeue (Removal):

   - Removes an element from the front (head) of the circular queue. If the queue is empty, it may result in an underflow.



   1. If Front is undefined, then

      a. Print "Queue is empty. Cannot dequeue."

      b. Return

   2. Element = CircularQueue[Front]

   3. If Front == Rear, then

      a. Set Front and Rear to undefined

   4. Else

      a. Set Front = (Front + 1) % MAX_SIZE

   5. Return Element


3. Front (Peek):

   - Returns the element at the front of the circular queue without removing it.



   1. If Front is undefined, then

      a. Print "Queue is empty. No front element."

      b. Return undefined

   2. Return CircularQueue[Front]



4. Rear (Peek):

   - Returns the element at the rear of the circular queue without removing it.



   1. If Rear is undefined, then

      a. Print "Queue is empty. No rear element."

      b. Return undefined

   2. Return CircularQueue[Rear]


5. IsEmpty:

   - Checks if the circular queue is empty.



   1. Return (Front is undefined)


6. IsFull:

   - Check if the circular queue is full.



   1. Return ((Rear + 1) % MAX_SIZE == Front)

C++ Example: cpp

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


const int MAX_SIZE = 5;


class CircularQueue {


    int Front, Rear;

    int CircularArray[MAX_SIZE];



    CircularQueue() : Front(-1), Rear(-1) {}


    void Enqueue(int element) {

        if ((Rear + 1) % MAX_SIZE == Front) {

            cout << "Queue is full. Cannot enqueue.\n";



        Rear = (Rear + 1) % MAX_SIZE;

        CircularArray[Rear] = element;

        if (Front == -1) {

            Front = 0;




    int Dequeue() {

        if (Front == -1) {

            cout << "Queue is empty. Cannot dequeue.\n";

            return -1; // Assuming -1 as an error code; adjust as needed


        int element = CircularArray[Front];

        if (Front == Rear) {

            Front = Rear = -1;

        } else {

            Front = (Front + 1) % MAX_SIZE;


        return element;



    int FrontElement() {

        if (Front == -1) {

            cout << "Queue is empty. No front element.\n";

            return -1; // Assuming -1 as an error code; adjust as needed


        return CircularArray[Front];



    int RearElement() {

        if (Rear == -1) {

            cout << "Queue is empty. No rear element.\n";

            return -1; // Assuming -1 as an error code; adjust as needed


        return CircularArray[Rear];



    bool IsEmpty() {

        return (Front == -1);



    bool IsFull() {

        return ((Rear + 1) % MAX_SIZE == Front);




int main() {

    CircularQueue myCircularQueue;






    cout << "Front element: " << myCircularQueue.FrontElement() << endl;

    cout << "Rear element: " << myCircularQueue.RearElement() << endl;




    cout << "Front element after dequeue: " << myCircularQueue.FrontElement() << endl;


    return 0;




 Python Example: python

class CircularQueue:

    def __init__(self):

        self.front = -1

        self.rear = -1

        self.circular_array = [None] * MAX_SIZE


    def enqueue(self, element):

        if (self.rear + 1) % MAX_SIZE == self.front:

            print("Queue is full. Cannot enqueue.")


        self.rear = (self.rear + 1) % MAX_SIZE

        self.circular_array[self.rear] = element

        if self.front == -1:

            self.front = 0


    def dequeue(self):

        if self.front == -1:

            print("Queue is empty. Cannot dequeue.")

            return -1  # Assuming -1 as an error code; adjust as needed

        element = self.circular_array[self.front]

        if self.front == self.rear:

            self.front = self.rear = -1


            self.front = (self.front + 1) % MAX_SIZE

        return element


    def front_element(self):

        if self.front == -1:

            print("Queue is empty. No front element.")

            return -1  # Assuming -1 as an error code; adjust as needed

        return self.circular_array[self.front]


    def rear_element(self):

        if self.rear == -1:

            print("Queue is empty. No rear element.")

            return -1  # Assuming -1 as an error code; adjust as needed

        return self.circular_array[self.rear]


    def is_empty(self):

        return self.front == -1


    def is_full(self):

        return (self.rear + 1) % MAX_SIZE == self.front



# Example Usage

my_circular_queue = CircularQueue()






print(f"Front element: {my_circular_queue.front_element()}")

print(f"Rear element: {my_circular_queue.rear_element()}")




print(f"Front element after dequeue: {my_circular_queue.front_element()}")


 Advantages of Circular Queue

Circular queues offer several advantages in various applications due to their unique circular structure and efficient use of space. Here are some advantages of circular queues:


1. Efficient Use of Space:

   - Circular queues efficiently utilize available space. The circular structure allows continuous cycling of elements, preventing wastage of space as it occurs in a linear queue.


2. Continuous Cycling:

   - The circular arrangement enables continuous cycling of the front and rear pointers. When the rear pointer reaches the end, it wraps around to the beginning, allowing for a seamless and cyclic behavior.


3. Efficient Buffering:

   - Circular queues are well-suited for buffering scenarios where data continuously flows. They efficiently manage a stream of data by reusing space after dequeue operations.


4. Task Scheduling:

   - In task scheduling systems, circular queues are used to manage a queue of tasks that need to be executed in a cyclic manner. The circular structure ensures fair distribution of tasks.


5. Fixed Size Implementation:

   - Circular queues are often implemented with a fixed-size array or linked list. This fixed size simplifies implementation and ensures that the queue remains constant in size.


6. Avoids Full/Empty Condition:

   - Unlike linear queues, circular queues do not become completely full or empty due to their circular nature. This characteristic allows for a continuous flow of elements.


7. Avoids Resizing:

   - Circular queues eliminate the need for resizing operations that may be required in linear queues when the capacity is reached. The circular arrangement inherently handles space efficiently.


8. Efficient Implementation of Circularity:

   - The use of modulo arithmetic efficiently implements the circular structure. This avoids complex boundary checks and simplifies the implementation of circular behavior.


9. Simplifies Implementation:

   - The circular nature simplifies the implementation of operations. Enqueue and dequeue operations can be performed with straightforward logic using modulo arithmetic.


10. Optimized for Sequential Processing:

    - Circular queues are optimized for scenarios where elements are processed sequentially. The continuous cycling of elements ensures a smooth flow in applications like data streaming.


11. Avoids Fragmentation:

    - Circular queues mitigate the problem of fragmentation that may occur in dynamic data structures. Continuous cycling reduces the chances of memory fragmentation.


12. Supports Real-time Applications:

    - Circular queues are suitable for real-time applications where a continuous flow of data is essential. Their efficiency makes them valuable in scenarios with strict timing requirements.


Dis-advantage  of Circular Queue

While circular queues have various advantages, they also come with some disadvantages and limitations. Some of the disadvantages of circular queues:


1. Fixed Size:

   - Circular queues are typically implemented with a fixed-size array or linked list. This fixed size can be a limitation when the number of elements exceeds the capacity, leading to potential overflow issues.


2. Wasted Space in Array Implementation:

   - In an array-based implementation, there can be wasted space if the actual number of elements is significantly less than the array size. This occurs when the circular queue undergoes frequent enqueue and dequeue operations, leading to gaps in the array.


3. Complex Wraparound Logic:

   - The wraparound logic using modulo arithmetic can be confusing for some programmers. Managing pointers and ensuring correct indexing requires careful consideration to avoid errors.


4. Overhead for Dynamic Resizing:

   - Circular queues are not naturally suited for dynamic resizing operations. If the capacity needs to be dynamically adjusted, it can introduce additional complexity and overhead.


5. Not Suitable for Dynamic Memory Allocation:

   - Circular queues implemented with arrays may not be well-suited for scenarios where dynamic memory allocation and deallocation are required. This limitation is particularly relevant in languages with manual memory management.


6. Sequential Access Only:

   - Circular queues are optimized for sequential processing. If there is a need for random access or direct access to specific elements, a different data structure might be more appropriate.


7. Requires Additional Mechanisms for Overflow/Underflow Handling:

   - Circular queues require additional mechanisms to handle overflow (enqueueing when the queue is full) and underflow (dequeuing when the queue is empty). These mechanisms add complexity to the implementation.


8. Limited Support for Priority Queues:

   - Circular queues may not be the best choice for priority queue implementations where elements need to be ordered based on priority. Specialized data structures like priority queues may be more suitable for such cases.


9. Not Suitable for Variable Size:

   - Circular queues are designed for a fixed-size implementation. If the size of the queue needs to be dynamically adjusted, other data structures like dynamic arrays or linked lists may be more appropriate.


10. Potential for Uneven Distribution of Elements:

    - Depending on the pattern of enqueue and dequeue operations, there is a potential for uneven distribution of elements within the circular structure. This can result in inefficient space utilization.



Applications  of Circular Queue

Circular queues find applications in various scenarios where a continuous flow of data or efficient management of resources is required. Some common applications of circular queues include:


1. Buffering in Communication Systems:

   - Circular queues are widely used for buffering data in communication systems. In scenarios like network communication or data transmission, circular queues efficiently manage the flow of incoming and outgoing data.


2. Task Scheduling in Operating Systems:

   - Operating systems often use circular queues for task scheduling. Processes in a multitasking environment are queued in a circular manner, and the CPU scheduler selects and executes tasks in a cyclic fashion.


3. Printer Spooling:

   - Printers use circular queues for spooling print jobs. Print jobs are enqueued and dequeued in a circular manner, ensuring a continuous flow of printing tasks.


4. Round Robin Scheduling:

   - Circular queues are fundamental in the implementation of the round-robin scheduling algorithm, commonly used in time-sharing systems. Processes are scheduled in a circular order, and each process gets a fixed time slice.


5. Data Streaming and File IO Buffers:

   - Circular queues are suitable for managing buffers in scenarios involving data streaming and file input/output. They efficiently handle continuous data flow and reduce the need for resizing operations.


6. Traffic Management Systems:

   - In traffic management systems, circular queues can represent queues of vehicles waiting at intersections or traffic signals. The cyclic nature ensures a fair distribution of green signals.


7. Hotspot Login Management:

   - In public Wi-Fi systems with limited access time, circular queues can be used to manage user logins. Each user is assigned a time slot and the queue cycles through users in a circular manner.


8. Process Synchronization:

   - Circular queues are used in synchronization mechanisms, such as the producer-consumer problem. In concurrent programming, circular queues can be employed to manage communication between threads or processes.


9. Event Handling in GUI Applications:

   - Circular queues can be used in graphical user interface (GUI) applications for managing events in a cyclic manner. Events generated by user interactions are queued and processed in a circular order.


10. Simulation Systems:

    - Circular queues are employed in simulation systems where entities move in a cyclic pattern. For example, in a simulation of a circular conveyor belt or a rotating system.


11. Token-Based Systems:

    - Circular queues can be used in token-based systems, where entities or processes are granted access in a circular order. This is common in scenarios like resource sharing.


12. Multilevel Queue Scheduling:

    - In multilevel queue scheduling algorithms, circular queues may be used to represent different priority levels and processes within each priority level are scheduled circularly.




A priority queue is a data structure that stores elements with associated priorities and supports efficient retrieval of the element with the highest (or lowest) priority. Unlike a regular queue or stack, where elements are processed in a first-in-first-out (FIFO) or last-in-first-out (LIFO) order, a priority queue operates based on the priority assigned to each element.


Operations of a priority queue include:


- Insertion (Enqueue):

  - Adds an element with a given priority to the priority queue.


- Deletion (Dequeue):

  - Removes and returns the element with the highest (or lowest) priority.


- Peek:

  - Returns the element with the highest (or lowest) priority without removing it.


Features of Priority Queue

1. Element-Priority Association:

   - In a priority queue, each element is associated with a priority value. The priority is used to determine the order in which elements are processed or retrieved.


2. Ordering Based on Priority:

   - The primary feature of a priority queue is that elements are ordered based on their priorities. Elements with higher (or lower, depending on the implementation) priority values are processed before those with lower priorities.


3. Dynamic Structure:

   - Priority queues can be implemented using various underlying data structures, such as binary heaps, Fibonacci heaps, or balanced trees. The choice of data structure impacts the efficiency of operations.


4. No Strict Order of Arrival:

   - Unlike traditional queues, where the order of arrival determines the order of processing, priority queues do not strictly follow the order of insertion. The priority values determine the retrieval order.


5. Support for Duplicate Priorities:

   - Depending on the implementation, priority queues may allow elements with the same priority. The order of insertion may influence the retrieval order for elements with equal priority.


6. Efficient Retrieval of Highest (or Lowest) Priority:

   - One of the main features of a priority queue is the efficient retrieval of the element with the highest (or lowest) priority. This operation is typically performed in constant or logarithmic time.


7. Dynamic Operations:

   - Priority queues support dynamic operations such as insertion (enqueue), deletion (dequeue), and peeking (retrieving without removal). These operations allow for the manipulation of elements based on their priorities.


8. Use of Comparators or Comparable Elements:

   - Priority queues often rely on comparators or comparable elements to determine the relative order of priorities. Elements must be comparable to establish their priority relationships.


9. Common Priority Queue Implementations:

   - Priority queues can be implemented using different data structures, each with its advantages and trade-offs. Common implementations include binary heaps, Fibonacci heaps, and various types of balanced trees.


10. Applications in Task Scheduling:

    - Priority queues find widespread use in task scheduling systems, where processes or tasks are assigned priorities, and the scheduler processes higher-priority tasks first.


11. Versatility in Applications:

    - Due to their prioritized processing nature, priority queues are versatile and find applications in diverse areas, including graph algorithms, networking, compression algorithms, simulation, and more.


12. Efficient Handling of Dynamic Priorities:

    - Priority queues are well-suited for scenarios where priorities change dynamically, allowing for efficient adaptation to shifting priorities during runtime.


Structure of Priority Queue

The structure of a priority queue is not defined by a specific layout like an array or linked list but rather by the properties and behaviors required to maintain the order of elements based on their priorities. Commonly used structures for implementing priority queues include binary heaps, Fibonacci heaps, and various types of balanced trees.


The general structure of a priority queue:

1. Element:

   - Each element in the priority queue consists of two main components: the data or payload, and the priority associated with the element.


2. Priority Relation:

   - The priority relation defines the order in which elements are processed. It determines whether higher priority values should be processed first (max priority queue) or lower priority values should be processed first (min priority queue).


3. Dynamic Nature:

   - A priority queue is a dynamic data structure that allows elements to be inserted or removed dynamically. The order of elements is maintained based on their priorities.


4. Comparators or Comparable Elements:

   - To establish the order of priorities, the priority queue often relies on comparators or comparable elements. Elements must be comparable to determine their relative priorities.


5. Efficient Retrieval of Highest (or Lowest) Priority:

   - One of the main features of a priority queue is the efficient retrieval of the element with the highest (max priority queue) or lowest (min priority queue) priority. This operation is typically performed in constant or logarithmic time.


6. Insertion (Enqueue):

   - Elements can be inserted into the priority queue with their associated priorities. The priority queue ensures that the order is maintained according to the priority relation.


7. Deletion (Dequeue):

   - The highest (or lowest) priority element is removed from the priority queue. This operation may involve rearranging the remaining elements to maintain the order.


8. Peek:

   - The peek operation retrieves the highest (or lowest) priority element without removing it from the priority queue.


9. No Strict Order of Arrival:

   - Unlike traditional queues, the order of arrival does not strictly determine the order of processing in a priority queue. Priority values govern the retrieval order.


10. Support for Duplicate Priorities:

    - Depending on the implementation, priority queues may or may not allow elements with the same priority. Some implementations may consider the order of insertion for elements with equal priority.


11. Efficient Operations:

    - Priority queues are designed to efficiently support dynamic operations such as insertion, deletion, and peeking while maintaining the order of elements.


Operations of Priority Queue

Priority queues support several operations that allow for the manipulation of elements based on their priorities. The common operations associated with a priority queue include:


1. Insertion (Enqueue):

   - Insert an element into the priority queue with its associated priority. The element is added to the appropriate position based on its priority, ensuring that the priority queue remains ordered.


2. Deletion (Dequeue):

   - Remove and return the element with the highest (max priority queue) or lowest (min priority queue) priority. The remaining elements are adjusted to maintain the order.


3. Peek (Front or Top):

   - Retrieve the element with the highest (max priority queue) or lowest (min priority queue) priority without removing it from the priority queue. This operation allows inspecting the next element to be processed.


4. Size or Length:

   - Obtain the number of elements currently present in the priority queue. This operation provides information about the size or length of the priority queue.


5. IsEmpty:

   - Check whether the priority queue is empty. Returns true if there are no elements in the priority queue, and false otherwise.


6. Clear:

   - Remove all elements from the priority queue, leaving it empty. This operation resets the priority queue to its initial state.


7. Merge (Union):

   - Combine two priority queues into a single priority queue. This operation is applicable when elements from multiple sources need to be processed based on their combined priorities.


8. Update Priority:

   - Modify the priority of a specific element in the priority queue. This operation is useful when the priority of an element changes dynamically, and the order needs to be adjusted accordingly.


Time complexities associated with common priority queue operations using a binary heap:

- Insertion (Enqueue): O(log n)

- Deletion (Dequeue): O(log n)

- Peek (Front or Top): O(1)

- Size or Length: O(1)

- IsEmpty: O(1)

- Clear: O(1)

- Merge (Union): O(m + n), where m and n are the sizes of the two priority queues being merged.

- Update Priority: O(n), where n is the size of the priority queue.


Algorithms of Priority Queue operations

The algorithms for common priority queue operations using a binary heap, which is a widely used implementation for priority queues:


 Binary Heap Basics:

A binary heap is a complete binary tree where each node has a value less than or equal to (max heap) or greater than or equal to (min-heap) the values of its children.


# Priority Queue Initialization:


Algorithm InitializePriorityQueue():

1. Create an empty binary heap.

2. Return the handle/reference to the binary heap.



 Priority Queue Operations:

# Enqueue (Insertion):


Algorithm Enqueue(heap, element, priority):

1. Add a new node with the given element and priority to the last position of the binary heap.

2. HeapifyUp(heap) to maintain the heap property.


# Dequeue (Deletion):

Algorithm Dequeue(heap):

1. Swap the root node with the last node in the binary heap.

2. Remove the last node.

3. HeapifyDown(heap) to maintain the heap property.

4. Return the element removed.


# Peek (Front or Top):

Algorithm Peek(heap):

1. Return the element at the root of the binary heap.


# Size or Length:

Algorithm Size(heap):

1. Return the number of elements in the binary heap.


# IsEmpty:

Algorithm IsEmpty(heap):

1. Return true if the binary heap is empty; otherwise, return false.


 Heapify Operations:

# HeapifyUp:

Algorithm HeapifyUp(heap):

1. Start at the last node of the binary heap.

2. While the node has a parent and violates the heap property:

   a. Swap the node with its parent.

   b. Move up to the parent.


# HeapifyDown:

Algorithm HeapifyDown(heap):

1. Start at the root of the binary heap.

2. While the node has at least one child and violates the heap property:

   a. Swap the node with its smaller (min-heap) or larger (max heap) child.

   b. Move down to the child.


These algorithms are a simplified representation of priority queue operations using a binary heap.


Examples of Priority Queue operations in C++ and Python

C++:- cpp

#include <iostream>

#include <queue>


int main() {

    // Initialize a max priority queue (default in C++)

    std::priority_queue<int> maxPriorityQueue;


    // Enqueue (Insertion)





    // Peek (Front or Top)

    std::cout << "Top element: " << maxPriorityQueue.top() << std::endl;


    // Dequeue (Deletion)



    // Peek after Dequeue

    std::cout << "Top element after dequeue: " << maxPriorityQueue.top() << std::endl;


    // Check if the priority queue is empty

    if (maxPriorityQueue.empty()) {

        std::cout << "Priority Queue is empty." << std::endl;

    } else {

        std::cout << "Priority Queue is not empty." << std::endl;



    // Size (Length)

    std::cout << "Size of Priority Queue: " << maxPriorityQueue.size() << std::endl;


    return 0;




 Python:- python

import heapq


# Initialize a min priority queue (heap)

min_priority_queue = []


# Enqueue (Insertion)

heapq.heappush(min_priority_queue, 10)

heapq.heappush(min_priority_queue, 5)

heapq.heappush(min_priority_queue, 15)


# Peek (Front or Top)

print("Top element:", min_priority_queue[0])


# Dequeue (Deletion)



# Peek after Dequeue

print("Top element after dequeue:", min_priority_queue[0])


# Check if the priority queue is empty

if not min_priority_queue:

    print("Priority Queue is empty.")


    print("Priority Queue is not empty.")


# Size (Length)

print("Size of Priority Queue:", len(min_priority_queue))

Advantage  of Priority Queue

The use of a priority queue offers several advantages in various applications where elements need to be processed based on their priorities.

Some key advantages of using a priority queue:

1. Efficient Retrieval of Highest (or Lowest) Priority:

   - Priority queues provide a fast and efficient way to retrieve the element with the highest (max priority queue) or lowest (min priority queue) priority. This is crucial in applications where prompt processing of high-priority elements is essential.


2. Dynamic Ordering of Elements:

   - Priority queues allow for dynamic ordering of elements based on their priorities. As priorities change, the order of processing can be adjusted efficiently, making them adaptable to dynamic scenarios.


3. Versatility in Applications:

   - Priority queues are versatile and find applications in various domains, including operating systems, networking, graph algorithms, task scheduling, simulation systems, and more. Their flexibility makes them suitable for a wide range of problems.


4. Efficient Task Scheduling:

   - In operating systems and task scheduling systems, priority queues excel at efficiently scheduling tasks based on their priorities. Higher-priority tasks are processed first, ensuring responsiveness and optimal resource utilization.


5. Optimized Graph Algorithms:

   - Graph algorithms, such as Dijkstra's algorithm and Prim's algorithm, benefit from priority queues. They efficiently process vertices or edges based on their weights or costs, leading to optimized pathfinding and spanning tree construction.


6. Real-time Systems:

   - Priority queues are valuable in real-time systems where tasks must be executed within strict timing constraints. They ensure that tasks with higher urgency or deadlines are processed promptly.


7. Network Routing and Traffic Management:

   - In networking, priority queues are used to manage data packets with different levels of priority or quality of service (QoS) requirements. This ensures that higher-priority data is transmitted with lower latency.


8. Event-Driven Simulation:

   - Priority queues are employed in simulation systems to model events with different priorities. This is useful in scenarios where events need to be processed based on their significance or impact.


9. Efficient Huffman Coding:

   - Priority queues play a crucial role in Huffman coding, a compression algorithm. They are used to construct optimal binary trees for encoding and decoding, resulting in efficient data compression.


10. Resource Allocation:

    - Priority queues assist in resource allocation scenarios where resources are allocated to tasks or processes based on their priorities. This ensures that critical tasks receive resources first.


11. Dynamic Update of Priorities:

    - Priority queues allow for the dynamic update of priorities. As priorities change during runtime, the priority queue efficiently adjusts the order of elements without the need for a complete restructuring.


12. Avoids Explicit Sorting:

    - Priority queues eliminate the need for explicit sorting of elements before processing. The priority queue structure inherently maintains the order, reducing the time complexity associated with sorting.


In summary, the advantages of priority queues lie in their ability to efficiently handle prioritized processing, adapt to dynamic scenarios, and find applications in diverse domains where the order of element processing is crucial.


Dis-advantage of Priority Queue

Some disadvantages of priority queues:


1. Limited Information Retrieval:

   - Priority queues excel at retrieving the highest (max priority queue) or lowest (min priority queue) priority element. However, they do not provide easy access to other elements in the middle of the priority order without dequeuing elements in sequence.


2. No Direct Access or Modification:

   - Priority queues typically do not support direct access or modification of elements at arbitrary positions. To modify the priority of an existing element, it may need to be dequeued, modified, and then enqueued with the updated priority.


3. Complexity in Priority Updates:

   - Updating the priority of an element in a priority queue can be complex, especially in certain implementations. Some priority queues may require removing and reinserting the element, leading to additional time complexity.


4. Limited Support for Duplicate Priorities:

   - Some priority queue implementations may not handle elements with equal priorities as expected. The order in which elements with equal priorities are processed may not be well-defined or intuitive.


5. Dependency on Underlying Data Structure:

   - The efficiency of priority queues depends on the underlying data structure used for implementation. While certain structures, like binary heaps, offer efficient time complexities, others, like self-balancing binary search trees, may have higher overhead.


6. Dynamic Resizing Challenges:

   - Dynamic resizing of a priority queue (changing its capacity) may pose challenges in some implementations. This can be a concern in scenarios where the number of elements fluctuates significantly.


7. Memory Overhead:

   - Some priority queue implementations may incur additional memory overhead, particularly when storing metadata for each element. This can impact the overall memory usage and may be a consideration in memory-constrained environments.


8. Potential for Priority Inversion:

   - In certain scenarios, priority inversion may occur, where a low-priority task holds a resource required by a high-priority task, delaying the high-priority task. This can happen if the priority queue is not well-managed in a concurrent or real-time system.


9. Lack of Native Support in Some Languages:

   - While priority queues are a fundamental data structure, some programming languages do not have a built-in priority queue implementation in their standard libraries. This may require developers to implement or use third-party libraries.


10. Trade-offs in Performance:

    - Different priority queue implementations offer trade-offs in terms of time complexity and space complexity. Developers need to choose the appropriate implementation based on the specific requirements of their application.


Applications of Priority Queue

Priority queues find applications in various domains where the efficient processing of elements based on their priorities is crucial. Here are some common applications of priority queues:


1. Task Scheduling:

   - Operating systems use priority queues to schedule tasks or processes based on their priority levels. Higher-priority tasks are scheduled to run before lower-priority ones.


2. Shortest Path Algorithms:

   - Graph algorithms like Dijkstra's algorithm use priority queues to efficiently find the shortest path between nodes in a weighted graph. The priority queue helps process nodes in order of increasing distance.


3. Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithms:

   - Algorithms such as Prim's and Kruskal's for finding minimum spanning trees in a graph utilize priority queues to select and process edges based on their weights.


4. Huffman Coding (Data Compression):

   - Priority queues play a crucial role in Huffman coding, a compression algorithm used in data compression. The algorithm constructs an optimal binary tree for encoding and decoding based on the frequencies of characters.


5. Job Scheduling:

   - Priority queues are used in job scheduling systems where tasks or jobs are assigned priorities, and the scheduler processes tasks with higher priorities first.


6. Network Routing:

   - In networking, priority queues are used to manage data packets with different levels of priority or quality of service (QoS) requirements. Higher-priority packets are transmitted with lower latency.


7. Simulation Systems:

   - Priority queues are employed in simulation systems to model events with different priorities. Events are processed based on their significance or urgency.


8. Task Management in Robotics:

   - Robotics systems use priority queues to manage tasks or actions for robots. Higher-priority tasks, such as collision avoidance, are executed before lower-priority ones.


9. Load Balancing:

   - In distributed systems, priority queues help balance the load by assigning tasks to nodes based on their priorities. This ensures that high-priority tasks are distributed efficiently.


10. Data Buffering:

    - Priority queues are used in data buffering systems, such as network routers or print spoolers, to manage and process data packets or print jobs based on their priority levels.


11. Admission Control in Communication Networks:

    - Priority queues are applied in communication networks for admission control, where incoming connections or requests are processed based on their priorities.


12. Real-time Systems:

    - In real-time systems, where tasks must be completed within specific deadlines, priority queues help schedule and process tasks based on their time constraints.


13. Dynamic Event Management:

    - Systems dealing with dynamic events, such as real-time event processing or event-driven architectures, use priority queues to manage events with different priorities.


14. Task Prioritization in Healthcare:

    - In healthcare systems, priority queues help prioritize and manage patient tasks or events in emergency rooms based on the severity of their conditions.


These applications demonstrate the versatility of priority queues in optimizing the processing of elements according to their priorities in various domains.



"D-queue" is referring to a double-ended queue, commonly known as a deque.

A deque is a data structure that allows elements to be added or removed from both ends with constant time complexity.

It can be visualized as a generalized form of a queue where elements can be inserted or deleted from both the front and the rear.

A deque can function as both a queue and a stack.


Key features of a deque:


1. Double-Ended Operations:

   - Allows insertion and deletion of elements at both the front and the rear.


2. Dynamic Size:

   - The size of a deque can dynamically grow or shrink as elements are added or removed.


3. Versatility:

   - Can be used as a queue, a stack, or a combination of both.


Example in Python: python


from collections import deque


# Create a deque

dqueue = deque([1, 2, 3])


# Double-ended operations

dqueue.append(4)          # Add to the rear

dqueue.appendleft(0)      # Add to the front

print(dqueue)             # Output: deque([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])


dqueue.pop()              # Remove from the rear

dqueue.popleft()          # Remove from the front

print(dqueue)             # Output: deque([1, 2, 3])



Features of D-Queue


1. Double-Ended Operations:

   - A deque allows elements to be added or removed from both the front and the rear. This flexibility makes it different from traditional queues or stacks.


2. Dynamic Size:

   - Deques can dynamically grow or shrink in size as elements are added or removed. This makes them suitable for scenarios where the number of elements is not known in advance.


3. Versatility:

   - Deques can be used as both queues and stacks. Elements can be added or removed from either end, allowing for a wide range of use cases.


4. Efficient Insertions and Deletions:

   - Adding or removing elements from both ends of a deque typically has constant time complexity. This makes deques efficient for certain operations compared to other data structures.


5. Random Access:

   - Deques often provide random access to elements, meaning that elements can be accessed by index. This feature makes it easy to retrieve elements from any position within the deque.


6. Memory Efficiency:

   - Deques are often implemented in a way that allows for efficient memory usage. The underlying structure is designed to minimize memory overhead while providing fast insertion and deletion operations.


7. Bidirectional Traversal:

   - Elements in a deque can be traversed in both directions, from the front to the rear or from the rear to the front. This bidirectional traversal is useful in certain algorithms and applications.


8. Support for Iteration:

   - Deques typically support iteration over their elements, making it easy to loop through the elements in a deque using constructs like loops or iterators.


9. Language Support:

   - Many programming languages provide built-in support for deques in their standard libraries. For example, Python includes a `collections.deque` class, and C++ has a `std::deque` container.


10. Flexible Implementation:

    - Deques can be implemented using various data structures, such as dynamic arrays or linked lists, depending on the specific requirements and trade-offs.


11. No Strict Order of Insertion:

    - Unlike queues, the order of insertion is not strictly maintained in a deque. Elements can be inserted or removed from either end without consideration of the order of arrival.


12. Efficient for Certain Algorithms:

    - Deques are particularly efficient in scenarios where elements need to be added or removed from both ends frequently, such as in certain graph algorithms or simulations.


Structure of D-Queue

The structure of a double-ended queue (deque), often referred to as a D-Queue, can be implemented using various underlying data structures.

The choice of the underlying structure depends on the specific requirements and performance considerations of the application.

two common implementations are:


1. Dynamic Array-based Deque:

   - This implementation uses a dynamic array to store elements, allowing for efficient random access and dynamic resizing. The front and rear pointers are used to keep track of the start and end of the deque.



   |     Dynamic Array      |

   |                        |

   |  +---+---+---+---+---+ |

   |  |   |   |   |   |   | |

   |  +---+---+---+---+---+ |

   |           |            |

   |         Front          |

   |                       Rear



   - Operations such as adding or removing elements from either end can be performed with constant time complexity in this implementation.


2. Doubly Linked List-based Deque:

   - This implementation uses a doubly linked list to connect elements bidirectionally. Each node in the linked list contains a data element and two pointers: one pointing to the next node and another pointing to the previous node.



   |   Doubly Linked List   |

   |                        |

   |  +---+  +---+  +---+  |

   |  |   |<-|   |<-|   |  |

   |  +---+  +---+  +---+  |

   |         |            |

   |       Front         Rear



   - The doubly linked list structure allows for efficient insertion and removal of elements at both ends.


These diagrams represent the logical structure of a deque, and the actual implementation may involve additional details, such as pointers, metadata, and mechanisms for resizing (in the case of dynamic arrays). The implementation details can vary based on language-specific features and optimizations provided by the programming language's standard library.


Operations of D-Queue

A double-ended queue (deque) supports various operations that allow elements to be added or removed from both ends. Here are common operations associated with a deque:


1. Enqueue Front (Add to Front):

   - Add an element to the front of the deque.

   - In a dynamic array-based implementation, this may involve adjusting the front pointer and resizing the array if necessary.

   - In a doubly linked list-based implementation, create a new node and adjust pointers accordingly.


2. Enqueue Rear (Add to Rear):

   - Add an element to the rear of the deque.

   - In a dynamic array-based implementation, this may involve adjusting the rear pointer and resizing the array if necessary.

   - In a doubly linked list-based implementation, create a new node and adjust pointers accordingly.


3. Dequeue Front (Remove from Front):

   - Remove and return the element from the front of the deque.

   - In a dynamic array-based implementation, this may involve adjusting the front pointer and freeing up space.

   - In a doubly linked list-based implementation, adjust pointers and free the node.


4. Dequeue Rear (Remove from Rear):

   - Remove and return the element from the rear of the deque.

   - In a dynamic array-based implementation, this may involve adjusting the rear pointer and freeing up space.

   - In a doubly linked list-based implementation, adjust pointers and free the node.


5. Peek Front (View Front Element):

   - Return the element at the front of the deque without removing it.

   - This operation allows inspecting the element at the front without modifying the deque.


6. Peek Rear (View Rear Element):

   - Return the element at the rear of the deque without removing it.

   - This operation allows inspecting the element at the rear without modifying the deque.


7. Size or Length:

   - Return the number of elements currently present in the deque.


8. IsEmpty:

   - Check whether the deque is empty. Returns true if there are no elements, and false otherwise.


9. Clear:

   - Remove all elements from the deque, leaving it empty.


10. Iterate Over Elements:

    - Traverse the elements of the deque from front to rear or vice versa, allowing inspection or modification of each element.


11. Random Access (if supported):

    - Access elements at arbitrary positions within the deque. This operation is often supported in array-based implementations.

Algorithms of D-Queue Operations

The algorithms for double-ended queue (deque) operations depend on the underlying implementation—whether it's based on a dynamic array or a doubly linked list.

The algorithms for basic deque operations using a dynamic array:


 Dynamic Array-based Deque


1. Enqueue Front (Add to Front):


   Algorithm EnqueueFront(deque, element):

   1. If the deque is full, resize the array.

   2. Move the front pointer one position to the left.

   3. Store the element at the new front position.


2. Enqueue Rear (Add to Rear):


   Algorithm EnqueueRear(deque, element):

   1. If the deque is full, resize the array.

   2. Store the element at the current rear position.

   3. Move the rear pointer one position to the right.


3. Dequeue Front (Remove from Front):


   Algorithm DequeueFront(deque):

   1. If the deque is empty, return an error or handle accordingly.

   2. Retrieve the element at the front position.

   3. Move the front pointer one position to the right.

   4. Return the retrieved element.


4. Dequeue Rear (Remove from Rear):


   Algorithm DequeueRear(deque):

   1. If deque is empty, return an error or handle accordingly.

   2. Move the rear pointer one position to the left.

   3. Retrieve the element at the new rear position.

   4. Return the retrieved element.


5. Peek Front (View Front Element):


   Algorithm PeekFront(deque):

   1. If the deque is empty, return an error or handle accordingly.

   2. Return the element to the front position without removing it.


6. Peek Rear (View Rear Element):


   Algorithm PeekRear(deque):

   1. If the deque is empty, return an error or handle accordingly.

   2. Return the element to the rear position without removing it.


7. Size or Length:


   Algorithm Size(deque):

   1. Return the number of elements currently present in the deque.


8. IsEmpty:


   Algorithm IsEmpty(deque):

   1. Return true if the deque is empty; otherwise, return false.


9. Clear:


   Algorithm Clear(deque):

   1. Reset the front and rear pointers to initial positions.


10. Iterate Over Elements:


    Algorithm Iterate(deque):

    1. Start from the front and iterate towards the rear (or vice versa).

    2. Process each element as needed.



- Array Resizing: The resizing operation typically involves creating a new array with a larger size, copying elements from the old array to the new one, and updating the pointers accordingly.

- Handling Empty or Full Deque: Algorithms should include appropriate checks and error handling for empty or full deque conditions.


Examples of D-Queue operations in C++ and python

C++:-  cpp

#include <iostream>

#include <deque>


int main() {

    // Create a deque

    std::deque<int> myDeque;


    // Enqueue Front (Add to Front)





    // Enqueue Rear (Add to Rear)




    // Display elements

    std::cout << "Deque elements: ";

    for (const auto& element : myDeque) {

        std::cout << element << " ";


    std::cout << std::endl;


    // Dequeue Front (Remove from Front)



    // Dequeue Rear (Remove from Rear)



    // Peek Front (View Front Element)

    std::cout << "Front element: " << myDeque.front() << std::endl;


    // Peek Rear (View Rear Element)

    std::cout << "Rear element: " << myDeque.back() << std::endl;


    // Size

    std::cout << "Size of deque: " << myDeque.size() << std::endl;


    // IsEmpty

    std::cout << "Is deque empty? " << (myDeque.empty() ? "Yes" : "No") << std::endl;


    // Clear



    return 0;




from collections import deque


# Create a deque

my_deque = deque()


# Enqueue Front (Add to Front)





# Enqueue Rear (Add to Rear)




# Display elements

print("Deque elements:", list(my_deque))


# Dequeue Front (Remove from Front)



# Dequeue Rear (Remove from Rear)



# Peek Front (View Front Element)

print("Front element:", my_deque[0])


# Peek Rear (View Rear Element)

print("Rear element:", my_deque[-1])


# Size

print("Size of deque:", len(my_deque))


# IsEmpty

print("Is deque empty?", "Yes" if not my_deque else "No")


# Clear



Note:- Python's deque uses `appendleft` and `popleft` for enqueueing and dequeuing from the front, respectively.


 Advantage  of D-Queue

Some advantages of using a D-Queue:


1. Dynamic Insertions and Deletions:

   - D-Queues allow for efficient insertions and deletions at both the front and the rear. This makes them well-suited for scenarios where elements need to be dynamically added or removed from different positions.


2. Versatility in Data Structures:

   - D-Queues can be used as both queues and stacks, providing versatility in implementing various data structures. This flexibility makes them suitable for a wide range of applications.


3. Bidirectional Traversal:

   - Elements in a D-Queue can be traversed bidirectionally. This is useful in algorithms and applications where elements need to be processed in both directions.


4. Efficient Implementations:

   - Depending on the underlying implementation, D-Queues can be efficiently implemented using dynamic arrays, linked lists, or other data structures. This allows for optimal performance in terms of time and space complexity.


5. Random Access (Array-Based):

   - If implemented using a dynamic array, D-Queues provide random access to elements. This allows efficient access to elements at arbitrary positions within the deque.


6. No Strict Order of Insertion:

   - Unlike queues, the order of insertion is not strictly maintained in a D-Queue. Elements can be inserted or removed from either end without consideration of the order of arrival.


7. Memory Efficiency:

   - D-Queues can be implemented in a way that minimizes memory overhead. Efficient use of memory is crucial in applications with constraints on available memory.


8. Balanced Processing:

   - D-Queues support balanced processing of elements from both ends. In scenarios where elements are enqueued and dequeued from different positions, D-Queues can help balance the processing load.


9. Useful in Real-Time Systems:

   - In real-time systems where tasks need to be processed promptly and dynamically, D-Queues are valuable for managing tasks with varying priorities.


10. Support in Standard Libraries:

    - Many programming languages provide built-in support for D-Queues in their standard libraries. This makes it easy for developers to use and benefit from the advantages of D-Queues without implementing them from scratch.


11. Efficient for Certain Algorithms:

    - D-Queues are particularly efficient in scenarios where elements need to be added or removed from both ends frequently, such as in certain graph algorithms, simulations, and task scheduling.



Dis-advantage  of D-Queue

Some potential disadvantages of using D-Queues:


1. Complexity in Implementation:

   - Implementing a D-Queue, especially with certain operations like resizing in dynamic array-based implementations, can be more complex than implementing simpler data structures like a stack or a queue.


2. Memory Overhead (Linked List Implementation):

   - If implemented as a doubly linked list, each element in the deque incurs additional memory overhead due to the storage of two pointers (prev and next) in addition to the actual data.


3. Potential for Fragmentation (Dynamic Arrays):

   - In dynamic array-based implementations, resizing operations can lead to memory fragmentation, especially if the deque undergoes frequent expansions and contractions.


4. Inefficient Random Access (Linked List Implementation):

   - If implemented using a doubly linked list, random access to elements may be less efficient compared to array-based data structures, as it requires traversing the list from the beginning or end.


5. Limited Support in Some Standard Libraries:

   - While many programming languages provide built-in support for deques, some may not include a deque data structure in their standard libraries. Developers may need to implement their own or use third-party libraries.


6. Potential for Priority Inversion (Real-Time Systems):

   - In real-time systems, where tasks with varying priorities need to be processed promptly, the use of deques may introduce the potential for priority inversion if not managed carefully.


7. Not Ideal for Strict FIFO (First-In-First-Out) Order:

   - Deques are not ideal for scenarios where a strict FIFO order is required. If elements need to be processed strictly in the order of arrival, a regular queue may be more suitable.


8. Performance Variability (Dynamic Arrays):

   - Dynamic array-based deques may exhibit variability in performance due to occasional resizing operations. This can affect the time complexity of certain operations.


9. Not Always the Most Efficient Choice:

   - Depending on the specific use case, other data structures like stacks, queues, or priority queues may be more efficient for certain operations. The choice of data structure depends on the requirements of the application.


10. Potential for Code Complexity:

    - Incorporating the flexibility of a D-Queue may lead to more complex code, especially in situations where the bidirectional nature of the deque is not fully utilized.



Applications  of D-Queue

Some common applications of D-Queues:


1. Task Scheduling:

   - D-Queues are used in task scheduling systems where tasks with different priorities need to be scheduled and processed. Higher-priority tasks can be inserted or removed from the front, while lower-priority tasks can be managed at the rear.


2. Memory Management:

   - D-Queues can be employed in memory management systems where blocks of memory with different sizes are allocated and deallocated. The front and rear of the deque can represent the beginning and end of the memory block.


3. Input Buffering:

   - D-Queues are useful in input buffering scenarios, such as keyboard input handling. Characters can be enqueued at the rear as they are received and dequeued from the front for processing.


4. Undo/Redo Mechanisms:

   - D-Queues are employed in applications that require undo and redo functionality. Commands for undoing or redoing actions can be stored in a D-Queue, allowing efficient removal and restoration of states.


5. Algorithm Implementations:

   - Various algorithms, such as certain graph algorithms and search algorithms, can benefit from the bidirectional nature of D-Queues. Elements can be added or removed from both ends, facilitating efficient exploration of data structures.


6. Simulation Systems:

   - D-Queues are used in simulation systems to model events and entities with varying priorities. Events with higher priority can be enqueued or dequeued from the front, ensuring timely processing.


7. Printer Spooling:

   - D-Queues can be applied in print spooling systems, where print jobs with different priorities are managed. Print jobs can be added to the rear and processed based on their priority.


8. Symbol Tables in Compilers:

   - Compilers use symbol tables to manage identifiers in a program. D-Queues can be used to efficiently handle symbol tables, allowing for quick insertion and deletion of symbols.


9. Buffer Management in Networks:

   - In networking, D-Queues are utilized for buffer management in routers and switches. Packets with different priorities can be enqueued or dequeued from the front or rear based on quality of service (QoS) requirements.


10. Dynamic Data Structures:

    - D-Queues are employed in scenarios where dynamic data structures are needed, especially when the order of processing elements is not strictly based on arrival order.


11. Real-Time Systems:

    - In real-time systems, where tasks need to be processed promptly, D-Queues can be used to manage tasks with varying priorities. Higher-priority tasks can be efficiently processed from the front.


12. Deque as a Supporting Data Structure:

    - D-Queues can be used as a supporting data structure in the implementation of other data structures, algorithms, and applications, adding flexibility to their design.


 Array Queue

An array queue is a type of data structure that follows the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) principle, where the first element added to the queue is the first one to be removed.

It is implemented using an array, a sequential collection of elements with a fixed size.


In a basic array queue, elements are added to the back (enqueue operation) and removed from the front (dequeue operation) of the array.

This ensures that the order of elements is preserved, and the oldest element is always the first to be removed.


Some key operations associated with an array queue are:

1. Enqueue: Adds an element to the back of the queue.

2. Dequeue: Removes the element from the front of the queue.

3. Front: Returns the element at the front of the queue without removing it.

4. IsEmpty: Checks if the queue is empty.

5. IsFull: Checks if the queue is full (applicable in a fixed-size array implementation).


Example:- a basic array queue: python


class ArrayQueue:

    def __init__(self, capacity):

        self.capacity = capacity

        self.queue = [None] * capacity

        self.front = 0  # Index of the front element

        self.rear = -1  # Index of the rear element

        self.size = 0   # Current number of elements in the queue


    def enqueue(self, item):

        if self.is_full():

            print("Queue is full. Cannot enqueue.")


            self.rear = (self.rear + 1) % self.capacity

            self.queue[self.rear] = item

            self.size += 1


    def dequeue(self):

        if self.is_empty():

            print("Queue is empty. Cannot dequeue.")


            front_item = self.queue[self.front]

            self.front = (self.front + 1) % self.capacity

            self.size -= 1

            return front_item


    def is_empty(self):

        return self.size == 0


    def is_full(self):

        return self.size == self.capacity



Note:- In a real-world scenario, dynamic arrays or linked lists are often preferred over fixed-size arrays to allow for more flexible memory management and avoid issues related to fixed-size limitations.


The Features Of An Array Queue:


1. FIFO (First-In-First-Out): Array queues adhere to the FIFO principle, meaning that the first element added to the queue is the first one to be removed.


2. Dynamic Size: While the array itself may have a fixed size in some implementations, the size of the queue can vary as elements are enqueued and dequeued.


3. Enqueue Operation: This operation adds an element to the back (or rear) of the queue.


4. Dequeue Operation: This operation removes the element from the front (or front) of the queue.


5. Front Operation: Returns the element at the front of the queue without removing it. This operation allows you to peek at the next element to be dequeued.


6. IsEmpty Operation: Checks whether the queue is empty. Returns true if the queue has no elements.


7. IsFull Operation: Checks whether the queue is full. This is relevant in implementations with a fixed-size array.


8. Capacity: In implementations with a fixed-size array, the capacity represents the maximum number of elements the queue can hold.


9. Efficient Access: Accessing elements in an array is generally efficient, providing constant-time access to any element based on its index.


10. Sequential Storage: Elements are stored sequentially in the array, and their order is maintained according to the order in which they were enqueued.


11. Memory Efficiency: In some cases, an array queue may be more memory-efficient than other data structures, especially when the maximum size is known in advance.


12. Simple Implementation: The array queue is relatively simple to implement compared to some other data structures, making it a suitable choice for scenarios where simplicity is a priority.



The structure of an array-based queue involves defining the necessary components and operations to manage the queue using an array. Here's a typical structure for an array-based queue:


Data Members:

  - queue: Array to store elements.

  - front: Index of the front element.

  - rear: Index of the rear element.

  - size: Current number of elements in the queue.

  - capacity: Maximum number of elements the queue can hold (for fixed-size arrays).


14. Methods:

  - __init__(self, capacity): Constructor to initialize the queue with a specified capacity.


  - enqueue(self, item): Adds an element to the back of the queue.


  - dequeue(self): Removes and returns the element from the front of the queue.


  - front(self): Returns the element at the front of the queue without removing it.


  - is_empty(self): Checks if the queue is empty.


  - is_full(self): Checks if the queue is full (for fixed-size arrays).


  - size(self): Returns the current number of elements in the queue.


  - display(self): Displays the elements of the queue (for illustrative purposes).


- Example (Python):

  class ArrayQueue:

      def __init__(self, capacity):

          self.capacity = capacity

          self.queue = [None] * capacity

          self.front = 0

          self.rear = -1

          self.size = 0


      def enqueue(self, item):

          # Implementation of enqueue operation


      def dequeue(self):

          # Implementation of dequeue operation


      def front(self):

          # Implementation of front operation


      def is_empty(self):

          # Implementation of is_empty operation


      def is_full(self):

          # Implementation of is_full operation


      def size(self):

          # Implementation of size operation


      def display(self):

          # Implementation of display operation


Operations of Array-Queue

The operations of an array-based queue typically include common methods for adding, removing, and inspecting elements in adherence to the FIFO (First-In-First-Out) principle. Here are the essential operations for an array-based queue:


1. Enqueue (Insertion):

   - Description: Adds an element to the back (rear) of the queue.

   - Method: `enqueue(item)`


2. Dequeue (Removal):

   - Description: Removes and returns the element from the front of the queue.

   - Method: `dequeue()`


3. Front (Peek):

   - Description: Returns the element at the front of the queue without removing it.

   - Method: `front()`


4. Is Empty:

   - Description: Checks if the queue is empty.

   - Method: `is_empty()`


5. Is Full:

   - Description: Checks if the queue is full (applicable in implementations with a fixed-size array).

   - Method: `is_full()`


6. Size:

   - Description: Returns the current number of elements in the queue.

   - Method: `size()`


7. Display (for illustration purposes):

   - Description: Displays the elements of the queue (useful for debugging or understanding the current state of the queue).

   - Method: `display()`


operations implemented in Python: python

class ArrayQueue:

    def __init__(self, capacity):

        self.capacity = capacity

        self.queue = [None] * capacity

        self.front = 0

        self.rear = -1

        self.size = 0


    def enqueue(self, item):

        if not self.is_full():

            self.rear = (self.rear + 1) % self.capacity

            self.queue[self.rear] = item

            self.size += 1


            print("Queue is full. Cannot enqueue.")


    def dequeue(self):

        if not self.is_empty():

            front_item = self.queue[self.front]

            self.front = (self.front + 1) % self.capacity

            self.size -= 1

            return front_item


            print("Queue is empty. Cannot dequeue.")


    def front(self):

        if not self.is_empty():

            return self.queue[self.front]


            print("Queue is empty. No front element.")


    def is_empty(self):

        return self.size == 0


    def is_full(self):

        return self.size == self.capacity


    def size(self):

        return self.size


    def display(self):

        print("Queue:", self.queue)


Algorithms of Array-Queue operations

Algorithms for the fundamental operations of an array-based queue:


1. Enqueue (Insertion):

   - Algorithm:

     1. Check if the queue is full.

     2. If the queue is not full:

        - Increment the rear index.

        - Assign the new element to the position of the rear index.

        - Increment in the size of the queue.

     3. If the queue is full, print an error message.



def enqueue(self, item):

    if not self.is_full():

        self.rear = (self.rear + 1) % self.capacity

        self.queue[self.rear] = item

        self.size += 1


        print("Queue is full. Cannot enqueue.")



2. Dequeue (Removal):

   - Algorithm:

     1. Check if the queue is empty.

     2. If the queue is not empty:

        - Retrieve the element at the front index.

        - Increment the front index.

        - Decrement the size of the queue.

        - Return the retrieved element.

     3. If the queue is empty, print an error message.



def dequeue(self):

    if not self.is_empty():

        front_item = self.queue[self.front]

        self.front = (self.front + 1) % self.capacity

        self.size -= 1

        return front_item


        print("Queue is empty. Cannot dequeue.")



3. Front (Peek):

   - Algorithm:

     1. Check if the queue is empty.

     2. If the queue is not empty, return the element at the front index.

     3. If the queue is empty, print an error message.



def front(self):

    if not self.is_empty():

        return self.queue[self.front]


        print("Queue is empty. No front element.")


4. Is Empty:

   - Algorithm:

     - Return `True` if the size of the queue is 0; otherwise, return `False`.



def is_empty(self):

    return self.size == 0


5. Is Full:

   - Algorithm:

     - Return `True` if the size of the queue is equal to the capacity; otherwise, return `False`.



def is_full(self):

    return self.size == self.capacity


6. Size:

   - Algorithm:

     - Return the current size of the queue.



def size(self):

    return self.size


Examples of Array-Queue operations in c++ and python

 C++ Example: cpp

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


class ArrayQueue {


    int *queue;

    int front;

    int rear;

    int size;

    int capacity;



    ArrayQueue(int capacity) {

        this->capacity = capacity;

        queue = new int[capacity];

        front = 0;

        rear = -1;

        size = 0;



    ~ArrayQueue() {

        delete[] queue;



    void enqueue(int item) {

        if (!isFull()) {

            rear = (rear + 1) % capacity;

            queue[rear] = item;


        } else {

            cout << "Queue is full. Cannot enqueue." << endl;




    int dequeue() {

        if (!isEmpty()) {

            int frontItem = queue[front];

            front = (front + 1) % capacity;


            return frontItem;

        } else {

            cout << "Queue is empty. Cannot dequeue." << endl;

            return -1; // Return a default value indicating an error or an empty queue




    int front() {

        if (!isEmpty()) {

            return queue[front];

        } else {

            cout << "Queue is empty. No front element." << endl;

            return -1; // Return a default value indicating an error or an empty queue




    bool isEmpty() {

        return size == 0;



    bool isFull() {

        return size == capacity;



    int getSize() {

        return size;




int main() {

    ArrayQueue myQueue(5);






    cout << "Front element: " << myQueue.front() << endl;


    cout << "Dequeued element: " << myQueue.dequeue() << endl;


    cout << "Is the queue empty? " << (myQueue.isEmpty() ? "Yes" : "No") << endl;


    return 0;




 Python Example: python

class ArrayQueue:

    def __init__(self, capacity):

        self.capacity = capacity

        self.queue = [None] * capacity

        self.front = 0

        self.rear = -1

        self.size = 0


    def enqueue(self, item):

        if not self.is_full():

            self.rear = (self.rear + 1) % self.capacity

            self.queue[self.rear] = item

            self.size += 1


            print("Queue is full. Cannot enqueue.")


    def dequeue(self):

        if not self.is_empty():

            front_item = self.queue[self.front]

            self.front = (self.front + 1) % self.capacity

            self.size -= 1

            return front_item


            print("Queue is empty. Cannot dequeue.")

            return None  # Return a default value indicating an error or an empty queue


    def front(self):

        if not self.is_empty():

            return self.queue[self.front]


            print("Queue is empty. No front element.")

            return None  # Return a default value indicating an error or an empty queue


    def is_empty(self):

        return self.size == 0


    def is_full(self):

        return self.size == self.capacity


    def get_size(self):

        return self.size


# Example usage

my_queue = ArrayQueue(5)






print("Front element:", my_queue.front())


print("Dequeued element:", my_queue.dequeue())


print("Is the queue empty?", "Yes" if my_queue.is_empty() else "No")


  Advantage of Array-Queue

Some of the advantages of using an array-based queue:


1. Simple Implementation: Array queues are relatively simple to implement, making them a good choice for scenarios where a straightforward and easy-to-understand data structure is needed.


2. Efficient Access: Accessing elements in an array is efficient, with constant-time complexity O(1). This makes array-based queues suitable for scenarios where quick access to the front and rear elements is important.


3. Sequential Storage: Elements in an array queue are stored sequentially in memory. This sequential storage allows for efficient traversal and processing of elements.


4. Memory Efficiency: Compared to linked data structures, array queues can be more memory-efficient because they use a contiguous block of memory. There is no need for additional pointers, as seen in linked structures.


5. Predictable Memory Usage: In implementations with a fixed-size array, the memory usage is predictable and can be statically allocated. This predictability is beneficial in embedded systems or environments with strict memory constraints.


6. Cache Locality: Elements in an array are stored in contiguous memory locations, promoting good cache locality. This can result in better performance due to reduced cache misses.


7. Faster Random Access: Arrays support random access, allowing for quick access to any element based on its index. While random access is not a primary concern for queues, it can be advantageous in certain scenarios.


8. No Dynamic Memory Allocation Overhead: In implementations with a fixed-size array, there is no need for dynamic memory allocation and deallocation, reducing overhead associated with memory management.


9. No Pointers: Unlike linked data structures, array queues don't require additional pointers to maintain the structure, which can simplify the implementation and reduce memory consumption.



Dis-advantage of Array-Queue

Some drawbacks are:-


1. Fixed Size: In implementations with a fixed-size array, the size of the queue is predetermined. This limitation can be a disadvantage if the size requirements of the queue are dynamic and unknown in advance.


2. Memory Wastage: If the capacity of the array is set too high, there may be memory wastage, especially if the queue rarely reaches its full capacity. This is a trade-off between memory efficiency and the risk of underestimating the required capacity.


3. Inefficient Dynamic Resizing: If the array queue needs to dynamically resize (e.g., to accommodate more elements), this operation can be inefficient. It involves creating a new, larger array, copying elements from the old array to the new one, and then deallocating the old array.


4. Inefficient Dequeue Operation: In array-based queues, the dequeue operation involves shifting elements to fill the space left by the removed element. This operation has a time complexity of O(n), where n is the number of elements in the queue. In contrast, linked queues offer constant-time dequeue operations.


5. Inefficient Use of Memory for Sparse Queues: If the queue experiences frequent enqueue and dequeue operations, leading to a sparse distribution of elements in the array, it can result in inefficient memory use.


6. Not Suitable for Real-Time Applications: The dynamic resizing and shifting of elements during enqueue and dequeue operations can introduce non-deterministic behavior, making array queues less suitable for real-time applications with strict timing constraints.


7. Wasted Space for Overhead: Each element in the array queue requires additional memory space for storing its value, leading to potentially wasted space if the elements are small compared to the overhead of array indices and other metadata.


8. Limited Concurrent Access: In a multi-threaded environment, concurrent access to an array-based queue can be challenging to manage without proper synchronization mechanisms, potentially leading to race conditions and data inconsistencies.


9. Not Suitable for Queues with Variable-Length Elements: If the elements in the queue have variable lengths, the fixed-size nature of the array may not be appropriate, leading to inefficiencies or the need for a dynamic data structure.



Applications of Array-Queue

Array-based queues find applications in various domains due to their simplicity and efficiency in specific scenarios. Some common applications of array-based queues are:


1. Breadth-First Search (BFS): In graph algorithms, BFS often uses a queue to explore nodes level by level. The queue facilitates the order in which nodes are processed, ensuring that nodes at the same level are visited before moving to the next level.


2. Job Scheduling: Array queues can be used in job scheduling systems, where tasks or jobs are added to a queue and processed in the order they are received.


3. Print Queue Management: Printers often use queues to manage print jobs. Print requests are added to a queue and processed in the order they are received, ensuring a fair and organized printing process.


4. Task Management in Operating Systems: Operating systems often use queues to manage tasks, processes, or threads. The ready queue holds tasks that are ready to be executed, and the scheduling algorithm determines which task is dequeued and executed next.


5. Web Server Request Handling: In web servers, incoming requests are often managed using queues. Each incoming request is added to a queue, and the server processes requests in a first-come, first-served manner.


6. Browsing History in Web Browsers: Web browsers often use a queue to manage the user's browsing history. As the user navigates through pages, URLs are enqueued, and the browser can easily navigate back through the history by dequeuing URLs.


7. Buffer Management in Networking: Queues are used in networking applications for managing buffers. For example, in networking routers, packets are often stored in a queue before being forwarded.


8. Call Centre Systems: In call centers, incoming calls are typically placed in a queue and answered in the order they are received. This ensures a fair distribution of calls among available agents.


9. Order Processing in E-commerce: E-commerce platforms may use queues to manage orders. Orders are enqueued as they are received, and the system processes them in the order they were placed.


10. Simulation and Modelling: Queues are used in simulations to model systems with entities that need to wait in line for processing, such as customers waiting in line at a service point.


11. Data Buffering in Electronics: In electronic systems, queues are often used to buffer data between different components to manage the flow of data.


12. Task Synchronization in Multithreading: In concurrent programming, queues can be used to synchronize tasks between different threads. For example, a producer-consumer model can use a queue for communication between producer and consumer threads.




The linked representation of a queue involves implementing a queue using a linked list.

In this representation, each element (node) in the queue contains both the data and a reference (or link) to the next element in the queue.

This contrasts with the array-based representation, where elements are stored in a contiguous block of memory.


The basic structure for a linked representation of a queue:


- Data Members:

  - data: The value of the node.

  - next: A reference to the next node in the queue.



- Data Members:

  - front: A reference to the front (head) of the queue.

  - rear: A reference to the rear (tail) of the queue.


- Methods:

  - enqueue(item): Adds an element to the back (rear) of the queue.

  - dequeue(): Removes and returns the element from the front of the queue.

  - front(): Returns the element at the front of the queue without removing it.

  - is_empty(): Checks if the queue is empty.

  - size(): Returns the current number of elements in the queue.

  - display(): Displays the elements of the queue (for illustrative purposes).


example of implementation of a linked representation of a queue in Python:


class Node:

    def __init__(self, data):

        self.data = data

        self.next = None


class LinkedQueue:

    def __init__(self):

        self.front = None

        self.rear = None

        self.size = 0


    def enqueue(self, item):

        new_node = Node(item)

        if self.is_empty():

            self.front = new_node


            self.rear.next = new_node

        self.rear = new_node

        self.size += 1


    def dequeue(self):

        if not self.is_empty():

            front_item = self.front.data

            self.front = self.front.next

            self.size -= 1

            return front_item


            print("Queue is empty. Cannot dequeue.")

            return None


    def front(self):

        if not self.is_empty():

            return self.front.data


            print("Queue is empty. No front element.")

            return None


    def is_empty(self):

        return self.size == 0


    def size(self):

        return self.size


    def display(self):

        current = self.front

        while current:

            print(current.data, end=" ")

            current = current.next




In this implementation, each node contains data and a reference to the next node. The queue is managed using references to the front and rear nodes. The `enqueue` operation adds a new node to the rear, and the `dequeue` operation removes the front node. Other operations provide functionality such as checking if the queue is empty, getting the size, and displaying the elements.


Linked representations of queues are dynamic in size and do not suffer from the fixed-size limitations of array-based queues. They are particularly useful when the size of the queue is not known in advance or when elements need to be inserted or removed frequently.


 Features of Linked Representation of Queue

The linked representation of a queue has its own set of features, which are:

 1. Dynamic Size: Linked queues can dynamically adjust in size without the need for a fixed capacity. Nodes can be dynamically allocated and deallocated as elements are enqueued and dequeued.


2. No Fixed Capacity: Unlike array-based queues with a fixed capacity, linked queues do not have a predefined limit on the number of elements they can hold. They can grow or shrink based on the number of nodes dynamically created.


3. Efficient Enqueue and Dequeue Operations: Enqueue and dequeue operations in linked queues can be efficient, especially for large queues, as there is no need to shift elements as in the array-based implementation.


4. No Wasted Memory: Linked queues use memory more efficiently than array queues, as nodes can be allocated dynamically, reducing the risk of wasted memory.


5. Dynamic Memory Allocation: Nodes in a linked queue can be allocated dynamically using memory allocation functions, such as `malloc` in languages like C or `new` in C++.


6. No Predefined Size Limitations: Linked queues are suitable for scenarios where the maximum size of the queue is not known in advance, allowing for flexibility in handling varying amounts of data.


7. Ease of Implementation: Implementing a linked queue is relatively straightforward, and inserting or removing nodes is efficient as it involves updating pointers.


8. Versatility in Node Structure: The structure of each node can be versatile, allowing for additional information to be stored alongside the data, depending on the application requirements.


9. No Shifting of Elements: Unlike array-based queues, linked queues do not require shifting of elements during dequeues, which results in a more efficient operation.


10. No Overhead for Unused Capacity: Linked queues do not suffer from the overhead associated with the unused capacity of fixed-size arrays, as they only allocate memory for the elements actually present in the queue.


11. Suitability for Real-Time Applications: Linked queues are often preferred in real-time applications where memory efficiency and dynamic resizing are crucial.


12. Ease of Insertion and Removal: Inserting or removing elements at the front and rear of the queue is generally straightforward and does not involve complex operations.


Structure of Linked Representation of Queue

The structure of a linked representation of a queue involves defining a node structure to hold the data and a set of pointers to manage the queue.

Structure for a linked representation of a queue:



- Data Members:

  - data: The value of the node.

  - next: A reference to the next node in the queue.



- Data Members:

  - front: A reference to the front (head) of the queue.

  - rear: A reference to the rear (tail) of the queue.

  - size: Current number of elements in the queue.


- Methods:

  - __init__(self): Constructor to initialize an empty queue.

  - enqueue(self, item): Adds an element to the back (rear) of the queue.

  - dequeue(self): Removes and returns the element from the front of the queue.

  - front(self): Returns the element at the front of the queue without removing it.

  - is_empty(self): Checks if the queue is empty.

  - size(self): Returns the current number of elements in the queue.

  - display(self): Displays the elements of the queue (for illustrative purposes).


Example implementation of a linked representation of a queue in Python:

class Node:

    def __init__(self, data):

        self.data = data

        self.next = None


class LinkedQueue:

    def __init__(self):

        self.front = None

        self.rear = None

        self.size = 0


    def enqueue(self, item):

        new_node = Node(item)

        if self.is_empty():

            self.front = new_node


            self.rear.next = new_node

        self.rear = new_node

        self.size += 1


    def dequeue(self):

        if not self.is_empty():

            front_item = self.front.data

            self.front = self.front.next

            self.size -= 1

            if self.is_empty():

                self.rear = None  # If the queue becomes empty, reset rear

            return front_item


            print("Queue is empty. Cannot dequeue.")

            return None


    def front(self):

        if not self.is_empty():

            return self.front.data


            print("Queue is empty. No front element.")

            return None


    def is_empty(self):

        return self.size == 0


    def size(self):

        return self.size


    def display(self):

        current = self.front

        while current:

            print(current.data, end=" ")

            current = current.next



In this implementation, the `Node` class defines the structure of each node, and the `LinkedQueue` class manages the overall structure of the queue. The queue is represented as a linked list, where each node contains data and a reference to the next node. The `front` and `rear` pointers track the head and tail of the linked list, and the `size` variable keeps track of the number of elements in the queue.


Operations of Linked Representation of Queue

The linked representation of a queue supports various operations to manipulate and access elements in the queue.

The fundamental operations of a linked representation of a queue:


1. Enqueue (Insertion):

   - Description: Adds an element to the back (rear) of the queue.

   - Method: `enqueue(item)`


2. Dequeue (Removal):

   - Description: Removes and returns the element from the front of the queue.

   - Method: `dequeue()`


3. Front (Peek):

   - Description: Returns the element at the front of the queue without removing it.

   - Method: `front()`


4. Is Empty:

   - Description: Checks if the queue is empty.

   - Method: `is_empty()`


5. Size:

   - Description: Returns the current number of elements in the queue.

   - Method: `size()`


6. Display (for illustration purposes):

   - Description: Displays the elements of the queue.

   - Method: `display()`


Example:-  implementation of these operations in Python: python

class Node:

    def __init__(self, data):

        self.data = data

        self.next = None


class LinkedQueue:

    def __init__(self):

        self.front = None

        self.rear = None

        self.size = 0


    def enqueue(self, item):

        new_node = Node(item)

        if self.is_empty():

            self.front = new_node


            self.rear.next = new_node

        self.rear = new_node

        self.size += 1


    def dequeue(self):

        if not self.is_empty():

            front_item = self.front.data

            self.front = self.front.next

            self.size -= 1

            if self.is_empty():

                self.rear = None  # If the queue becomes empty, reset rear

            return front_item


            print("Queue is empty. Cannot dequeue.")

            return None


    def front(self):

        if not self.is_empty():

            return self.front.data


            print("Queue is empty. No front element.")

            return None


    def is_empty(self):

        return self.size == 0


    def size(self):

        return self.size


    def display(self):

        current = self.front

        while current:

            print(current.data, end=" ")

            current = current.next



# Example usage:

my_queue = LinkedQueue()






print("Front element:", my_queue.front())


print("Dequeued element:", my_queue.dequeue())


print("Is the queue empty?", "Yes" if my_queue.is_empty() else "No")


print("Current size of the queue:", my_queue.size())


print("Elements in the queue:")



Algorithms of Linked Representation of -Queue operations

Below are the algorithms for the fundamental operations of a linked representation of a queue:


1. Enqueue (Insertion):

   - Algorithm:

     1. Create a new node with the given data.

     2. If the queue is empty, set both the front and rear pointers to the new node.

     3. Otherwise, set the `next` pointer of the current rear node to the new node and update the rear pointer to the new node.


Example: - python

def enqueue(self, item):

    new_node = Node(item)

    if self.is_empty():

        self.front = new_node


        self.rear.next = new_node

    self.rear = new_node

    self.size += 1



2. Dequeue (Removal):

   - Algorithm:

     1. Check if the queue is empty.

     2. If not empty, store the data of the front node.

     3. Move the front pointer to the next node.

     4. If the queue becomes empty, update the rear pointer to `None`.

     5. Return the stored data.


Example: - python

def dequeue(self):

    if not self.is_empty():

        front_item = self.front.data

        self.front = self.front.next

        self.size -= 1

        if self.is_empty():

            self.rear = None

        return front_item


        print("Queue is empty. Cannot dequeue.")

        return None


3. Front (Peek):

   - Algorithm:

     1. Check if the queue is empty.

     2. If not empty, return the data of the front node.


Example: - python

def front(self):

    if not self.is_empty():

        return self.front.data


        print("Queue is empty. No front element.")

        return None


4. Is Empty:

   - Algorithm:

     - Return `True` if the size of the queue is 0; otherwise, return `False`.


Example: - python

def is_empty(self):

    return self.size == 0


5. Size:

   - Algorithm:

     - Return the current size of the queue.


Example: - python

def size(self):

    return self.size


6. Display (for illustration purposes):

   - Algorithm:

     1. Traverse the queue from the front to the rear.

     2. Print the data of each node.


Example: - python

def display(self):

    current = self.front

    while current:

        print(current.data, end=" ")

        current = current.next


Examples of Linked Representation Queue operations in c++ and python

 C++ Example: cpp

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


// Node structure

class Node {


    int data;

    Node* next;


    Node(int value) {

        data = value;

        next = nullptr;




// Linked Queue class

class LinkedQueue {


    Node* front;

    Node* rear;

    int size;



    LinkedQueue() {

        front = nullptr;

        rear = nullptr;

        size = 0;



    // Enqueue operation

    void enqueue(int item) {

        Node* new_node = new Node(item);

        if (isEmpty()) {

            front = new_node;

        } else {

            rear->next = new_node;


        rear = new_node;




    // Dequeue operation

    int dequeue() {

        if (!isEmpty()) {

            int front_item = front->data;

            Node* temp = front;

            front = front->next;

            delete temp;


            if (isEmpty()) {

                rear = nullptr;


            return front_item;

        } else {

            cout << "Queue is empty. Cannot dequeue." << endl;

            return -1; // Return a default value indicating an error or an empty queue




    // Front operation

    int frontElement() {

        if (!isEmpty()) {

            return front->data;

        } else {

            cout << "Queue is empty. No front element." << endl;

            return -1; // Return a default value indicating an error or an empty queue




    // Is Empty operation

    bool isEmpty() {

        return size == 0;



    // Size operation

    int getSize() {

        return size;



    // Display operation

    void display() {

        Node* current = front;

        while (current) {

            cout << current->data << " ";

            current = current->next;


        cout << endl;




int main() {

    LinkedQueue myQueue;






    cout << "Front element: " << myQueue.frontElement() << endl;


    cout << "Dequeued element: " << myQueue.dequeue() << endl;


    cout << "Is the queue empty? " << (myQueue.isEmpty() ? "Yes" : "No") << endl;


    return 0;



 Python Example: python

class Node:

    def __init__(self, value):

        self.data = value

        self.next = None


class LinkedQueue:

    def __init__(self):

        self.front = None

        self.rear = None

        self.size = 0


    def enqueue(self, item):

        new_node = Node(item)

        if self.is_empty():

            self.front = new_node


            self.rear.next = new_node

        self.rear = new_node

        self.size += 1


    def dequeue(self):

        if not self.is_empty():

            front_item = self.front.data

            self.front = self.front.next

            self.size -= 1

            if self.is_empty():

                self.rear = None

            return front_item


            print("Queue is empty. Cannot dequeue.")

            return None


    def front_element(self):

        if not self.is_empty():

            return self.front.data


            print("Queue is empty. No front element.")

            return None


    def is_empty(self):

        return self.size == 0


    def get_size(self):

        return self.size


    def display(self):

        current = self.front

        while current:

            print(current.data, end=" ")

            current = current.next



# Example usage

my_queue = LinkedQueue()






print("Front element:", my_queue.front_element())


print("Dequeued element:", my_queue.dequeue())


print("Is the queue empty?", "Yes" if my_queue.is_empty() else "No")


  Advantage of Linked Representation of Queue

Linked representation of a queue, implemented using a linked list, has several advantages that make it suitable for certain scenarios. some of the advantages are :


1. Dynamic Size: Linked queues can dynamically adjust in size without the need for a fixed capacity. Nodes can be dynamically allocated and deallocated as elements are enqueued and dequeued, making it flexible for varying workloads.


2. No Fixed Capacity: Linked queues do not have a predefined limit on the number of elements they can hold, unlike array-based queues with fixed capacities. This makes them suitable for scenarios where the maximum size of the queue is not known in advance.


3. Efficient Enqueue and Dequeue Operations: Enqueue and dequeue operations in linked queues can be efficient, especially for large queues, as there is no need to shift elements as in the array-based implementation. Adding or removing elements from the front is a constant-time operation.


4. No Wasted Memory: Linked queues use memory more efficiently than array queues. Nodes can be allocated dynamically, reducing the risk of wasted memory due to unused capacity.


5. Ease of Insertion and Removal: Inserting or removing elements at the front and rear of the queue is generally straightforward and does not involve complex operations. This is particularly advantageous when dealing with dynamic data.


6. No Overhead for Unused Capacity: Linked queues do not suffer from the overhead associated with the unused capacity of fixed-size arrays, as they only allocate memory for the elements actually present in the queue.


7. Versatility in Node Structure: Each node in a linked queue can store additional information, making the structure versatile. This flexibility is beneficial when additional metadata needs to be associated with queue elements.


8. No Resizing Overhead: Linked queues don't require resizing operations, as is the case with dynamic arrays. This can result in more predictable performance in terms of time complexity for enqueue and dequeue operations.


9. No Maximum Size Limitations: Linked queues can theoretically grow until system memory is exhausted, making them suitable for scenarios where the size of the queue is unbounded.


10. Suitability for Real-Time Applications: Linked queues are often preferred in real-time applications where memory efficiency and dynamic resizing are crucial. The lack of resizing operations contributes to more predictable performance.



Dis-advantage of Linked Representation of Queue

While the linked representation of a queue has several advantages, it also comes with certain disadvantages that should be considered in specific scenarios. Here are some of the disadvantages:


1. Memory Overhead: Each element in a linked queue requires additional memory to store the node structure and pointers, leading to higher memory overhead compared to array-based queues. This can be a concern in memory-constrained environments.


2. Cache Locality: Linked structures may have poorer cache locality compared to arrays. Traversing a linked list involves following pointers, which can result in more cache misses, impacting performance in certain scenarios.


3. Sequential Access Only: While linked queues support efficient insertion and removal of elements at both ends, sequential access is required for traversal. Random access to elements, as supported by arrays, is not efficient in linked structures.


4. Pointer Management Overhead: Managing pointers adds an overhead to the implementation. Allocating and deallocating nodes dynamically, as well as updating pointers during insertion and removal, can introduce additional computational overhead.


5. Lack of Contiguous Memory: Linked queues do not use contiguous memory, leading to potential memory fragmentation. This fragmentation can affect overall memory utilization and may complicate memory management.


6. Less Predictable Memory Usage: The dynamic allocation of nodes in a linked queue makes memory usage less predictable compared to arrays. This unpredictability can be a concern in environments with strict memory constraints.


7. Slightly Slower Access Times: While insertion and removal operations are efficient, accessing elements at arbitrary positions (random access) is slower compared to array-based structures. This can impact scenarios where random access is a critical requirement.


8. Complexity in Node Allocation and Deallocation: Dynamically allocating and deallocating nodes can introduce complexity and may lead to issues such as memory leaks or fragmentation if not managed carefully.


9. Not Suitable for Low-Level Hardware Control: In environments where low-level hardware control is crucial, linked structures may not be the preferred choice due to the complexity introduced by pointers and dynamic memory allocation.


10. Potential for Node Misalignment: In some architectures, the use of pointers and dynamic allocation may result in memory misalignment, impacting performance. This consideration is especially relevant in systems where memory alignment is critical.


11. Additional Pointer Storage: Linked structures require additional memory to store pointers, which can be significant if the size of the queue is large. In contrast, array-based structures only require memory for the elements.



Applications of Linked Representation of Queue

Linked representation of queues, implemented using a linked list, finds applications in various domains due to its flexibility and dynamic nature. some common applications of linked representation of queues are :


1. Task Scheduling in Operating Systems:

   - Linked queues can be used to manage tasks in an operating system. The ready queue can be implemented as a linked list where tasks are enqueued and dequeued based on their priority or other scheduling criteria.


2. Print Queue Management:

   - In a print spooler system, linked queues can be used to manage print jobs. Print requests are enqueued in the order they are received and processed sequentially.


3. Process Management in Multiprogramming Systems:

   - Linked queues are employed to manage processes in multiprogramming systems. The ready queue can be implemented as a linked list to hold processes waiting to be executed.


4. Job Queue in Batch Systems:

   - In batch processing systems, linked queues can be used to create job queues where jobs are enqueued for processing.


5. Breadth-First Search (BFS) Algorithm:

   - BFS traversal of graphs often involves using a queue. A linked queue can be employed to keep track of the nodes to be visited in a breadth-first manner.


6. Dynamic Memory Management:

   - Linked queues can be utilized in memory management systems to track free memory blocks. Memory allocation and deallocation operations can be implemented using linked queues.


7. Web Page Navigation History:

   - Web browsers often use a linked queue to manage the navigation history. Each visited page is enqueued, allowing users to navigate backward and forward through their browsing history.


8. Transaction Processing Systems:

   - In transaction processing systems, linked queues can be employed to manage a queue of transactions to be processed in a sequential manner.


9. Task Management in Real-Time Systems:

   - In real-time systems, linked queues can be used to manage tasks or events with varying priorities. Tasks with higher priority can be dequeued and executed before lower-priority tasks.


10. Network Packet Buffering:

    - In networking applications, linked queues can be used to buffer incoming network packets. The queue ensures that packets are processed in the order they are received.


11. Simulation and Modeling:

    - Linked queues are commonly used in simulations to model systems where entities need to wait in line for processing. For example, modeling a queue of customers waiting in a bank.


12. Symbol Table Implementation:

    - In compilers and interpreters, linked queues can be used to implement symbol tables, where identifiers and their associated information are stored in a linked structure.


13. Call Centre Systems:

    - In call centers, linked queues can be employed to manage incoming calls. Calls are enqueued and processed based on factors such as wait time and agent availability.


14. Message Queues in Interprocess Communication:

    - Linked queues can be used as a data structure for implementing message queues in interprocess communication systems.


These applications showcase the versatility of linked representation of queues in various computing and system scenarios where dynamic and efficient management of elements is essential.


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