Manipulating the string as an array in PHP
In PHP, you can
treat strings as arrays and manipulate them using various functions and
array-like operations.
Examples:- Manipulating strings as arrays:
Example 1: Accessing Characters
$string =
"Hello, World!";
$length =
// Access each
character individually
for ($i = 0; $i
< $length; $i++) {
echo $string[$i] . " ";
// Output: H e l l
o , W o r l d !
Example 2: Exploding a String into an Array
$string =
$fruits =
explode(",", $string);
// $fruits is now
an array
// Output: Array (
[0] => apple [1] => orange [2] => banana )
Example 3: Joining Array Elements into a
$fruits =
array("apple", "orange", "banana");
$string =
implode(", ", $fruits);
// $string is now a string
echo $string;
// Output: apple,
orange, banana
Example 4: Substring
$string =
"Hello, World!";
// Get a substring
$substring =
substr($string, 0, 5);
// Output: Hello
Example 5: Replacing Substring
$string =
"Hello, World!";
// Replace a substring
$newString =
str_replace("World", "PHP", $string);
// Output: Hello,
Example 6: Case Conversion
$string =
"Hello, World!";
// Convert to lowercase
$lowercase =
// Convert to uppercase
$uppercase =
// Output: hello,
world! / HELLO, WORLD!
Example 7: Checking if a String Contains a
$string =
"Hello, World!";
// Check if the string contains "World"
(strpos($string, "World") !== false) {
echo "Contains 'World'";
} else {
echo "Does not contain 'World'";
// Output:
Contains 'World'
Example 8: Counting Words in a String
$string =
"The quick brown fox";
// Count words in a string
$wordCount =
// Output: 4
Example 9: Checking if a String Starts or Ends
with a Substring
$string =
"Hello, World!";
// Check if the string starts with "Hello"
(strncmp($string, "Hello", 5) === 0) {
echo "Starts with 'Hello'";
} else {
echo "Does not start with
// Output: Starts
with 'Hello'
// Check if the
string ends with "World!"
(substr_compare($string, "World!", -6) === 0) {
echo "Ends with 'World!'";
} else {
echo "Does not end with
// Output: Ends
with 'World!'
Example 10: Reversing a String
$string =
"Hello, World!";
// Reverse a string
$reversedString =
// Output: !dlroW
Example 11: Counting Characters in a String
$string =
"Hello, World!";
// Count characters in a string
$charCount =
count_chars($string, 1);
// Output: Array (
[32] => 1 [33] => 1 [44] => 1 [72] => 1 [87] => 1 [100] => 1
[101] => 1 [108] => 3 [111] => 2 [114] => 2 )
Example 12: Padding a String
$string =
// Pad a string to a certain length with spaces
$paddedString =
str_pad($string, 10);
// Output:
Hello (padded with spaces to a length
of 10)
Example 13: Trimming Characters from the
Beginning or End
$string =
" Hello, World! ";
// Trim spaces from the beginning and end
$trimmedString =
// Output: Hello,
Example 14: Converting a String to an Array
of Characters
$string =
"Hello, World!";
// Convert a string to an array of characters
$charArray =
// $charArray is now an array
// Output: Array (
[0] => H [1] => e [2] => l [3] => l [4] => o [5] => , [6]
=> [7] => W [8] => o [9] =>
r [10] => l [11] => d [12] => ! )
Example 15: Finding the Last Occurrence of
a Substring
$string =
"Hello, World! Hello, PHP!";
// Find the last occurrence of "Hello"
= strrpos($string, "Hello");
// Output: 13
(position of the last occurrence of "Hello")
Example 16: Case-Insensitive String Comparison
$string1 =
"Hello, World!";
$string2 =
"hello, world!";
// Case-insensitive string comparison
(strcasecmp($string1, $string2) === 0) {
echo "Strings are equal
} else {
echo "Strings are not equal
// Output: Strings
are equal (case-insensitive)
Example 17: Replacing Only the First
$string =
"apple, orange, banana, orange, cherry";
// Replace the first occurrence of "orange"
$newString =
preg_replace('/orange/', 'grape', $string, 1);
// Output: apple,
grape, banana, orange, cherry
Example 18: Extracting a Portion of the String
$string =
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
// Extract a portion of the string
$portion =
substr($string, 10, 15);
// Output: brown
fox jumps
Example 19: Converting a String to an Array of
$string =
"The quick brown fox";
// Convert a string to an array of words
$wordArray =
explode(" ", $string);
// $wordArray is now an array
// Output: Array (
[0] => The [1] => quick [2] => brown [3] => fox )
Example 20: Using Regular Expressions to Match
$string =
"The price is $15.99";
// Extract the price using a regular expression
$string, $matches);
// $matches contains the matched values
// Output: Array (
[0] => $15.99 [1] => 15.99 )
Example 21: Shuffling Characters in a String
$string =
"Hello, World!";
// Convert the string to an array, shuffle, and then implode
$shuffledString =
implode("", str_shuffle($string));
// Output: random
order of characters from the original string
Example 22: Finding the Difference Between Two
$string1 =
"Hello, World!";
$string2 =
"Hello, PHP!";
// Find the difference between two strings
$difference =
strspn($string1 ^ $string2, "\0");
// Output: 7
(number of common initial characters)
Example 23: Converting a String to Title Case
$string =
"the quick brown fox";
// Convert the string to title case
$titleCaseString =
// Output: The
Quick Brown Fox
Example 24: Swapping Case of Characters
$string =
"Hello, World!";
// Swap the case of characters
= strtr($string, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',
// Output: hELLO,
Example 25: Counting Occurrences of a
$string =
"apple, orange, banana, orange, cherry";
// Count occurrences of "orange"
$occurrences =
substr_count($string, "orange");
// Output: 2
Example 26: Removing HTML and PHP Tags
$htmlString =
"<p>Hello, <b>World!</b></p>";
// Remove HTML and PHP tags
$plainTextString =
// Output: Hello,
Example 27: Repeating a String Multiple Times
$string =
// Repeat the string multiple times
$repeatedString =
str_repeat($string, 3);
// Output:
These examples showcase additional ways to manipulate strings as arrays in PHP, covering a range of tasks from shuffling characters to counting occurrences and formatting. Always refer to the [PHP manual]( for more details and additional string manipulation functions.