Adding items in PHP

 Adding items in PHP 

If you're referring to adding items to an array or a list in PHP.


Examples:-  Adding Items to an Indexed Array:


// Creating an indexed array

$fruits = array("apple", "orange", "banana");


// Adding an item at the end of the array

$fruits[] = "grape";


// Adding multiple items at the end of the array

$fruits[] = "kiwi";

$fruits[] = "pineapple";


// Displaying the updated array




 Adding Items to an Associative Array:


// Creating an associative array

$person = array(

    "name" => "John",

    "age" => 30,

    "city" => "New York"



// Adding a new key-value pair

$person["occupation"] = "Engineer";


// Displaying the updated associative array




 Adding Items to the Beginning of an Array:


// Creating an indexed array

$numbers = array(3, 5, 7);


// Adding an item at the beginning of the array

array_unshift($numbers, 1);


// Displaying the updated array




 Adding Items Using the `array_push()` Function:


// Creating an indexed array

$colors = array("red", "blue", "green");


// Adding an item at the end of the array using array_push

array_push($colors, "yellow");


// Adding multiple items at the end of the array using array_push

array_push($colors, "orange", "purple");


// Displaying the updated array




 Adding Items to a List Using `explode()` and `array_merge()`:


// Existing comma-separated list

$existingList = "apple, orange, banana";


// Exploding the existing list into an array

$items = explode(", ", $existingList);


// Adding a new item

$items[] = "grape";


// Merging the updated items into a new list

$newList = implode(", ", $items);


// Displaying the updated list

echo $newList;



These examples cover various ways to add items to arrays or lists in PHP.


 Adding Items to an Associative Array Using Square Bracket Notation:


// Creating an associative array

$person = [

    "name" => "Alice",

    "age" => 25,

    "city" => "London"



// Adding a new key-value pair

$person["occupation"] = "Software Developer";


// Displaying the updated associative array




 Adding Items to an Array with Specific Keys:


// Creating an indexed array

$fruits = ["apple", "orange", "banana"];


// Adding an item with a specific key

$fruits[3] = "kiwi";


// Adding multiple items with specific keys

$fruits[4] = "pineapple";

$fruits[5] = "grape";


// Displaying the updated array




 Adding Items Using the `array_merge()` Function:


// Creating an indexed array

$firstArray = [1, 2, 3];


// Creating another indexed array

$secondArray = [4, 5, 6];


// Merging the two arrays

$mergedArray = array_merge($firstArray, $secondArray);


// Displaying the merged array




 Adding Items to an Array with `array_splice()`:


// Creating an indexed array

$numbers = [1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9];


// Adding items at a specific position

array_splice($numbers, 3, 0, [4, 5, 6]);


// Displaying the updated array




 Adding Items to the End of an Array Using the `array_push()` Function:


// Creating an indexed array

$colors = ["red", "blue", "green"];


// Adding an item at the end of the array using array_push

array_push($colors, "yellow");


// Adding multiple items at the end of the array using array_push

array_push($colors, "orange", "purple");


// Displaying the updated array




These examples showcase different methods for adding items to arrays or lists in PHP, whether they are indexed arrays or associative arrays. 

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