Types of IOTs

 Types of IOTs 

Classify according to two types 

1. IoT Enabling Technologies 2. loT Levels & Deployment


1.  IoT Enabling Technologies

  • It is including:-
  • 1.    wireless sensor networks,
  • 2.    cloud computing,
  • 3.    big data analytics,
  • 4.    communication protocols,
  • 5.    embedded systems,


1 . Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)

  • ·         Distributed devices ( sensors- used to monitor the environmental and physical conditions) work as end-nodes (sensors/routers and a coordinator).
  • ·         Routers are used for routing the data packets from end nodes to the coordinator.
  • ·         The coordinator collects the data from all the nodes and as a gateway and connects to the internet.
  • ·         Some examples:-

o   Weather monitoring systems (collect temperature, humidity, and other data).

o   Indoor air quality monitoring systems( collect indoor air quality and concentration of various gases data).

o   Soil moisture monitoring systems (monitor soil moisture at various locations.) .

o   Surveillance systems (collecting motion detection data).

o   Structural health monitoring systems (monitor buildings, bridges structure).


  • ·         Wsns use wireless communication protocols such as IEEE 802.15.4., Zigbee, etc
  • ·         Wsns use a large number of low-cost and low-power sensing nodes for continuous monitoring of environmental and physical conditions. (makes the network robust).
  • ·         Wsns are self-organizing networks if a node is a failure then it configures and if add new nodes to the network, then it autoconfigures its network.


2.   Cloud Computing

  • ·         Cloud computing is delivering applications and services over the Internet. (transformative computing paradigm)
  • ·         Works in a "pay as you go" model.
  • ·         Cloud computing resources are on-demand by the users, platform-independent, automated, and heterogeneous client platforms (workstations, laptops, tablets, and smartphones) without requiring interactions with the cloud service provider.
  • ·         In computing services cloud provides Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS).
  • ·         IaaS provides the users with virtual machine instances and virtual storage.
  • ·         Users can start, stop, configure and manage the virtual machine instances and virtual storage.
  • ·         Users can deploy operating systems and applications of their choice on the virtual resources in the cloud. (based on a pay-per-use paradigm).
  • ·         Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS): PaaS provides applications in the cloud using the development tools, application programming interfaces (APIs), software libraries, and cloud infrastructure including servers, network, operating systems, storage, and services provided by the cloud service provider.
  • ·         Software-as-a-Service (SaaS): SaaS provides the users a complete software application or the user interface to the application itself.
  • ·         Applications are provided to the user through a thin client interface (e.g., a browser).

3.   Big Data Analytics

  • ·         Big data is defined as collections of data sets whose volume (huge-scale data), velocity (how fast the data is generated and how frequently it varies.), or variety (forms of the data, such as structured or unstructured data, including text data, image, audio, video and sensor data. ).
  • ·         Big data analytics involves several steps starting from data cleansing, data munging (or wrangling (dispute)), data processing, and visualization.
  • ·         Some examples of big data generated by loT systems are described as follows:

·         Sensor data generated by lot systems such as weather monitoring stations...

·         Machine sensor data collected from sensors embedded in industrial and energy systems for Monitoring their health and detecting failures.

·         Health and fitness data generated by lot of devices such as wearable fitness bands.

·         Location and tracking of vehicles.

·         Retail inventory monitoring systems.


4.   Communication Protocols

  • ·         Communication protocols form the backbone of loT systems and enable network connectivity and coupling to applications.
  • ·         These protocols define the data exchange formats, data encoding, addressing schemes for devices, and routing of packets from source to destination according to various network layers.
  • ·         protocols also include sequence control (that helps in ordering packets and determining lost packets), flow control (that helps in controlling the rate at which the sender is sending the data so that the receiver or the network is not overwhelmed), and retransmission of lost packets.


5.     Embedded Systems

  •  ·         An Embedded System is a computer system that has computer hardware and software embedded to perform specific tasks.
  • ·         Key components of an embedded system include microprocessor or microcontroller, memory (RAM, ROM, cache), networking units (Ethernet, WiFi adapters), input/output units (display, keyboard, etc.), and storage (such as flash memory).
  • ·         Some embedded systems have specialized processors such as digital signal processors (DSPs), graphics processors, and application-specific processors.
  • ·         Embedded systems run embedded operating systems such as real-time operating systems (RTOS).
  • ·         Embedded systems range from low-cost reduced devices such as digital watches to devices such as digital cameras, point of sale terminals, vending machines, appliances (such as washing machines), etc.


2. loT Levels & Deployment

A lot system comprises the following components:

·        Device:

A lot of devices are used for identification, remote sensing, actuating, and remote monitoring capabilities.

·        Resource:

Resources are software components on the loT device for accessing, processing, and storing sensor information, or controlling actuators connected to the device for network access.

·         Controller Service:

The controller service sends data from the device to the web service and receives commands from the application (via web services) for controlling the device.

·        Database:

The database can be either local or in the cloud and stores the data generated by the loT device.

·        Web Service:

Web services create a link between the IoT device, application, database, and analysis components.

Web service can be either implemented using HTTP and REST principles (REST service) or using WebSocket protocol (WebSocket service).

·        WebSocket

A WebSocket is a low-latency (real-time), full-duplex (bidirectional), long-running (persistent), single connection (TCP) between a client and server used for real-time, event-driven web applications.

It synchronizes real-time data updates, live text chat, video conferencing, and VOIP data for IoT control and monitoring.

It is used in gaming, social networks, logistics, finance and home, vehicle, and industrial automation, etc.

Supported by major web browsers.

Provides bundles of data and transmitted continuously within multiple devices

·        REST(Representational State Transfer)

  • Use for developing web services.
  • REST itself is a concept, not an IoT protocol
  • Most widely used form of API and is designed to be used over any protocol for Files, Objects, Media, etc.

·        Analysis Component:

  • The Analysis Component is responsible for analyzing the loT data and generating results in a form which are easy for the user to understand.
  • Performed and stored Analysed results either locally or in the cloud.

·        Application:

loT applications provide an interface that the users can use to control and monitor various aspects of the IoT system and view the system status and view the processed data to the user.


IoT technology classifies into various levels: -


1.   IoT Level-1 

  • ·         A level-1 lot system has a single node/device that performs sensing and/or actuation, stores data, performs analysis, and hosts the application.
  • ·         Suitable for modeling low-cost and low-complexity solutions where the data involved is not big and the analysis requirements are not computationally intensive.
  •  ·         Example:- IoT system for home automation.

o   The system consists of a single node that allows controlling the lights and appliances in a home remotely.

o   The device used in this system interfaces with the lights and appliances using electronic relay switches.

o   The status information of each light or appliance is maintained in a local database.

o   REST services deployed locally allow retrieving and updating the state of each light or appliance in the status database.

o   The controller service continuously monitors the state of each light or appliance (by retrieving the state from the database) and triggers the relay switches accordingly.

o   The application which is deployed locally has a user interface for controlling the lights or appliances.

o   Since the device is connected to the Internet, the application can be accessed remotely as well.


2. loT Level-2

  • ·         A level-2 lot has a single node that performs sensing and/or actuation and local analysis.
  • ·         Data is stored in the cloud and the application is usually cloud-based.
  • ·         Suitable for where the data involved is big, the primary analysis requirement is not computationally intensive and can be done locally itself. 

Example:-  smart irrigation.

  • ·         The system consists of a single node that monitors the soil moisture level and controls the irrigation stem.
  • ·         The device used in this system collects soil moisture data from sensors.
  • ·         The system. controller service continuously monitors the moisture levels.
  • ·         If the moisture level drops below a threshold, the irrigation system is turned on.
  • ·         For controlling the irrigation system actuators such as solenoid valves can be used.
  • ·         The controller also sends the moisture data to the computing cloud.
  • ·         A cloud-based REST web service is used for storing and retrieving moisture data which is stored in the cloud database.
  • ·         A cloud-based application is used for visualizing the moisture levels over a period of time, which can help in making decisions about irrigation schedules.


 3 loT Level-3

  • ·         Level-3 IoT system has a single node.
  • ·         Data is stored and analyzed in the cloud and the application is cloud-based.
  • ·         Suitable for where the data involved is big and the analysis requirements are computationally intensive.

 ·         Example:- tracking package handling.

o   The system consists of a single node (for a package) that monitors the vibration levels for a package being shipped.

o   The device in this system uses accelerometer and gyroscope sensors for monitoring vibration levels.

o   The controller service sends the sensor data to the cloud in real-time using a WebSocket service.

o   The data is stored in the cloud and also visualized using a cloud-based application.

o   The analysis components in the cloud can trigger alerts if the vibration levels become greater than a threshold.

o   The benefit of using WebSocket service instead of REST service in this example is that the sensor data can be sent in real-time to the cloud. Moreover, cloud-based applications can subscribe to the sensor data feeds for viewing the real-time data.


4 loT Level-4

  • ·         A level-4 IoT system has multiple nodes that perform local analysis. Data is stored in the cloud and the application is cloud-based. 

  • ·         Level-4 contains local and cloud-based observer nodes which can subscribe to and receive information collected in the cloud from IoT devices.
  • ·         Observer nodes can process information and use it for various applications, however, observer nodes do not perform any control functions.
  • ·         Level-4 IoT systems are suitable for solutions where multiple nodes are required, the data involved is big and the analysis requirements are computationally intensive.
  •  ·         Example:- IoT system for noise monitoring.

o   The system consists of multiple nodes placed in different locations for monitoring noise levels in an area.

o   The nodes in this example are equipped with sound sensors.

o   Nodes are independent of each other.

o   Each node runs its own controller service that sends the data to the cloud.

o   The data is stored in a cloud database.

o   The analysis of data collected from a number of nodes is done in the cloud.

o   A cloud-based application is used for visualizing the aggregated data.


5 loT Level-5

  • ·         A level-5 lot system has multiple end nodes and one coordinator node.
  • ·         The end nodes that perform sensing and/or actuation.
  • ·         Coordinator node collects data from the end nodes and sends to the cloud.
  • ·         Data is stored and analyzed in the cloud and the application is cloud-based.
  • ·         Suitable for solutions based on wireless sensor networks, in which the data involved is big and the analysis requirements are computationally intensive.

 ·         Example:- lot system for forest fire detection.

o   The system consists of multiple nodes placed in different locations for monitoring temperature, humidity, and carbon dioxide (CO) levels in a forest.

o   The end nodes in this example are equipped with various sensors (such as temperature, humidity, and CO).

o   The coordinator node collects the data from the end nodes and acts as a gateway that provides Internet connectivity to the lot system.

o   The controller service on the coordinator device sends the collected data to the cloud.

o   The data is stored in a cloud database.

o   The analysis of data is done in the computing cloud to aggregate the data and make predictions.

o   A cloud-based application is used for visualizing the data.


A level-6 IoT

  •  ·         System has multiple independent end nodes that perform sensing and/or actuation and send data to the cloud.
  • ·         Data is stored in the cloud and the application is cloud-based.
  • ·         The analytics component analyses the data and stores the results in the cloud database.
  • ·         The results are visualized with the cloud-based application.
  • ·         The centralized controller is aware of the status of all the end nodes and sends control commands to the nodes.
  • ·         Example:- lot system for weather monitoring.

o   The system consists of multiple nodes placed in different locations for monitoring temperature, humidity, and pressure in an area.

o   The end nodes are equipped with various sensors (such as temperature, pressure, and humidity).

o   The end nodes send the data to the cloud in real-time using a WebSocket service.

o   The data is stored in a cloud database.

o   The analysis of data is done in the cloud to aggregate the data and make predictions.

o   A cloud-based application is used for visualizing data.




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