Software-defined networking (SDN)

 Software-defined networking (SDN)

SDN technology is a network management technique that uses for dynamic, programmatically efficient network setup to increase network performance and monitoring.

·         Controls traffic from a centralized control console without having individual switches in the network.

·         SDN controller directs the switches to deliver network services.

·         To make networks agile and flexible.  


Needs of SDN

·         Increased control with better speed and flexibility.

·         Customizable network infrastructure.

·         Robust security.


SDN architecture

·         Three layers: the application layer, the control layer, and the infrastructure layer.

·         These layers Separate using northbound and southbound application programming interfaces (APIs).

Application layer

·         Contains the typical network applications or functions.

·         Include interruption detection systems, load balancing or firewalls.

·         Use a specialized application, such as a firewall or load balancer.

·         Replaces the application with a controller application to manage data plane behavior.

 Data plane:

end-user sends data packets by this plane. It includes:

·         packets Forwarding  

·         Segmentation and reassembly of data

·         packets Replication for multicasting


Control layer

·       Acts as the brain of SDN, which Represents the centralized SDN controller.

·       This controller exists on a server and manages policies and traffic flows throughout the network.

·       Perform data plane activities but not involve end-user data packets.

·       Making routing tables.

·       Setting packet handling policies.

·       Each packet has a flow table that consists of match fields (like input port number and packet header) and instructions.

·         The packet is first matched against the match fields of the flow table entries.

·         Then the instructions of the corresponding flow entry are executed.

·         The instructions can be forwarding the packet via one or multiple ports, dropping the packet, or adding headers to the packet.

·         If a packet doesn’t find a corresponding match in the flow table, the switch queries the controller which sends a new flow entry to the switch.

·         The switch forwards or drops the packet based on this flow entry.


Infrastructure layer

·         Made up the physical switches in the network.

·         These switches forward the network traffic to their destinations.



·         Communicate using respective northbound and southbound APIS.

·         Applications communicate to the controller through its northbound interface.

·         The controller and switches communicate using southbound interfaces, such as OpenFlow.


Southbound Interface:

·         Interface between controller and networking devices lies to the south of controller.

·         An interface between a program on the controller and a program on a networking device.


Northbound Interface: 

·         Interfaces between controller and software in the north direction,

·         These interfaces enable the programmability of the network. 

·         Interface of two programs for exchanging data between them. 

SDN working

·         SDN encompasses several types of technologies, including functional separation, network virtualization, and automation through programmability.

·         Focused only on the separation of the network control plane from the data plane.

·         Control plane makes decisions about how packets should flow through the network, and the data plane moves packets from place to place.

·         Rules built into the switch's proprietary firmware tell the switch where to forward the packet.

·         These packet-handling rules are sent to the switch from the centralized controller.

·         The switch -- also known as a data plane device -- queries the controller for guidance as needed and provides the controller with information about the traffic it handles.

·         The switch sends every packet going to the same destination along the same path and treats all the packets the same way.

·         SDN uses an operation mode that is sometimes called adaptive or dynamic, in which a switch issues a route request to a controller for a packet that does not have a specific route.

·         This process is separate from adaptive routing, which issues route requests through routers and algorithms based on the network topology, not through a controller.

·         The virtualization aspect of SDN comes into play through a virtual overlay, which is a logically separate network on top of the physical network.

·         Users can implement end-to-end overlays to abstract the underlying network and segment network traffic.

·         This micro-segmentation is especially useful for service providers and operators with multi-tenant cloud environments and cloud services, as they can provide a separate virtual network with specific policies for each tenant.

 Benefits of SDN

SDN benefits are:-

Simplified policy changes

·         An administrator can change any network switch's rules when necessary -- prioritizing, deprioritizing, or even blocking specific types of packets with a granular level of control and security.

·         Enables the administrator to manage traffic loads in a flexible and efficient manner.

Network management and visibility

·         Deal with only one centralized controller to distribute policies to the connected switches.

·         Controller can monitor traffic and deploy security policies, if traffic is suspicious then it can reroute or drop the packets.

Reduced hardware footprint and lower operational costs.

Networking innovations

·         Software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN) technology.

·         SD-WAN employs the virtual overlay aspect of SDN technology.

Provides better security

·         Controller can monitor traffic and deploy security policies. For example, if the controller detects suspicious activity in network traffic, it can reroute or drop the packets.


Disadvantages of SDN:

The centralized SDN controller presents a single point of failure and, if targeted by an attacker, can prove detrimental to the network.

Unclear definition

Different vendors offer various approaches to SDN, ranging from hardware-centric models and virtualization platforms to hyper-converged networking designs and controller methods.

Market confusion

SDN, including white box networking, network disaggregation, network automation, and programmable networking.

Slow adoption and costs

Adoption has been relatively slow, especially in smaller networks and fewer resource enterprises.

 SDN use (Application area)

Some use cases for SDN include the following:

·         DevOps.

·         Campus networks.

·         Service provider networks. 

·         Data center security. 


Models of SDN

different models of SDN are:-

·         Open SDN:  use a protocol like OpenFlow to control the behaviour of virtual and physical switches at the data plane level.

·         SDN by APIs: using an open protocol, application programming interfaces control how data moves through the network on each device.

·         SDN Overlay Model:  runs a virtual network on top of an existing hardware infrastructure, creating dynamic tunnels to different on-premise and remote data centres.

·         Hybrid SDN: Combines software-defined networking with traditional networking protocols in one environment to support different functions on a network. ============================================================

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