Referencing two tables in MYSQL

 Referencing two tables in MYSQL

·         It is a database concept for building and maintaining logical relationships between tables.

·         It is a very useful and important part of RDBMS.

·         For the referencing of two tables use the Referential integrity concept.

·         Referential integrity is the combination of a primary key and a foreign key.

·         The main concept is that it does not allow the addition of any record in a table that contains the foreign key unless the reference table contains a corresponding primary key.

·         If any record in the referenced table (i.e. the table that contains the primary key) is deleted.

·         The foreign key is used to link one or more than one table together. It is also known as the referencing key.

·         A foreign key matches the primary key field of another table. It means a foreign key field in one table refers to the primary key field of the other table.

·         It identifies each row of another table uniquely that maintains the referential integrity in MySQL.

·         it creates a parent-child relationship with the tables.

·         In this relationship, the parent table holds the initial column values, and the column values of the child table reference the parent column values.

·         MySQL allows us to define a foreign key constraint on the child table.


Example: table: agents


| A007         | Ramasundar   | Bangalore     |       0.15   | 077-25814763  |       |

| A003         | Alex         | London        |       0.13   | 075-12458969  |       |

| A008         | Alford       | New York      |       0.12   | 044-25874365  |       |

| A011         | Ravi Kumar   | Bangalore     |       0.15   | 077-45625874  |       |

| A010         | Santakumar   | Chennai       |       0.14   | 007-22388644  |       |

| A012         | Lucida       | San Jose      |       0.12   | 044-52981425  |       |

 Sample table: orders


200114   3500         2000          15-AUG-08   C00002          A008

200122   2500         400           16-SEP-08   C00003          A004

200118   500          100           20-JUL-08   C00023          A006

200119   4000         700           16-SEP-08   C00007          A010

200121   1500         600           23-SEP-08   C00008          A004


The following conditions are -

1. 'agent_code' is primary key in 'agents' table.

2. 'agent_code' is a foreign key in orders table which is referring to the primary key of 'agents' table.

3. 'agent_code' of 'agents' and 'orders' must be same.


SQL statement :

SELECT agents.agent_code,agents.agent_name, orders.ord_num,orders.advance_amount

FROM agents,orders WHERE agents.agent_code=orders.agent_code;



---------- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------

A008                    Alford                               200114                              2000

A004                    Ivan                                  200122                               400

A006                     McDen                             200118                              100

A010                    Santakumar                     200119                              700

A004                    Ivan                                  200121                               600

A011                    Ravi Kumar                     200130                               400

MySQL defines the foreign key in two ways:

  1. Using CREATE TABLE Statement
  2. Using ALTER TABLE Statement


1.  Using CREATE TABLE Statement


Following are the basic syntax used for defining a foreign key using CREATE TABLE OR ALTER TABLE statement in the MySQL:

1.    [CONSTRAINT constraint_name]  

2.        FOREIGN KEY [foreign_key_name] (col_name, ...)  

3.        REFERENCES parent_tbl_name (col_name,...)  

4.        ON DELETE referenceOption  

5.        ON UPDATE referenceOption  


the following parameters are:

constraint_name: It specifies the name of the foreign key constraint. If we have not provided the constraint name, MySQL generates its name automatically.

col_name: It is the name of the column that we are going to make a foreign key.

parent_tbl_name: It specifies the name of a parent table followed by column names that reference the foreign key columns.

Refrence_option: It is used to ensure how the foreign key maintains referential integrity using ON DELETE and ON UPDATE clauses between the parent and child table.


Foreign Key Example

create a database named "mysqltestdb" with the command below:

1.    mysql> CREATE DATABASE mysqltestdb;  

2.    mysql> use mysqltestdb;  


create two tables named "customer" and "contact":

Table: customer

CREATE TABLE customer (  ID INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,  Name varchar(50) NOT NULL, City varchar(50) NOT NULL,  PRIMARY KEY (ID)  );  


Table: contact

CREATE TABLE contact ( ID INT,  Customer_Id INT, Customer_Info varchar(50) 

NOT NULL, Type varchar(50) NOT NULL,  INDEX par_ind (Customer_Id),  



Insert Data to the Table

INSERT INTO customer(Name, City) VALUES  ('Joseph''California'),  ('Mary''NewYork'),  ('John''Alaska');  


INSERT INTO contact (Customer_Id, Customer_Info, Type) VALUES  

(1, '''email'),  (1, '121-121-121''work' ),  (1, '123-123-123''home'),  

(2, '''email'),  (2, '''email'),  

(2, '212-212-212''work'),  (3, '''email'),  (3, '313-313-313''home');  



to delete the referential data that removes records from both tables. We have defined the foreign key in the contact table as:



It means if we delete any customer record from the customer table, then the related records in the contact table should also be deleted. And the ON UPDATE CASCADE will updates automatically on the parent table to referenced fields in the child table(Here, it is Customer_Id).


Deletes a record from the table whose name is JOHN.

mysql> DELETE FROM customer WHERE Name='John';  

the fields with the name JOHN will be removed entirely from both tables.

ON UPDATE CASCADE. update the Customer_Id of Mary in the contact table:

mysql> UPDATE customer SET id=3 WHERE Name='Mary';  


1.   Define Foreign Key Using ALTER TABLE Statement

to add a foreign key to the column of an existing table; then, this statement is used to add the foreign key for that column.



[index_name] (column_name, ...)  REFERENCES table_name (column_name,...)  

ON DELETE referenceOption  ON UPDATE referenceOption  


When we add a foreign key using the ALTER TABLE statement, it is recommended to first create an index on the column(s), which is referenced by the foreign key.



Table: Person


Name varchar(50) NOT NULL,  City varchar(50) NOT NULLPRIMARY KEY (ID) );  


Table: Contact

CREATE TABLE Contact ( ID INT,  Person_Id INT,  Info varchar(50) NOT NULL,  

Type varchar(50) NOT NULL  );  


to add a foreign key to an existing table, use the ALTER TABLE statement as below:

ALTER TABLE Contact ADD INDEX par_ind ( Person_Id );  

ALTER TABLE Contact ADD CONSTRAINT fk_person  FOREIGN KEY ( Person_Id ) 



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