Introduction of Internet of Things (IoT)

Introduction of Internet of Things (IoT)

·         In the Internet of Things (IoT) term, "Things" is referred to anything and everything (daily life ), which is accessed or connected with the internet.

·         IOT connected with multiple technologies such as real-time analyticsmachine learning, commodity sensors, wireless sensor networkscontrol systemsautomation (including home and building automation), embedded systems, etc..

·         In the consumer market, IoT technology is connected with the concept of the "smart home", covering devices and appliances (such as lighting fixtures, thermostats, home security systems and cameras, and other home appliances) that support one or more common ecosystems, and can be controlled via devices associated with that ecosystem, such as smartphones and smart speakers.

IoT is an advanced automation and analytics system that deals with artificial intelligence, sensor, networking, electronic, cloud messaging, etc. to deliver complete systems for the product or services.

The system created by IoT has greater transparency, control, and performance.


Example:- our home appliances such as air conditioner, light, etc. through each other and all these things are managed by internet. we can connect our car, track its fuel meter, speed level, and also track the location of the car via the cloud.


Characteristics of IoT 

The most other important features of IoT are:-

1.    Connectivity: 

Connectivity refers to establishing a proper connection between all the things of IoT to IoT platform( server or cloud).

 It provides high-speed messaging between the devices and the cloud to enable reliable, secure, and bi-directional communication.

2.    Analysing: 

IoT provides real-time analysis.

It collects the data and uses them to build effective business intelligence and make our system has a smart system.

3.    Integrating: 

IoT integrates the various models to improve the user experience as well.

4.    Artificial Intelligence: 

IoT makes things smart and improves life through the use of data.

For example, if we have a coffee machine whose beans have going to end, then the coffee machine itself orders the coffee beans of our choice from the retailer.

5.    Sensing: 

The sensor devices used in IoT technologies detect and measure any change in the environment and report on their status.

Without sensors, it could not hold an effective or true IoT environment.

6.    Active Engagement: 

IoT makes the connected technology, product, or services to active engagement between each other.

7.    Endpoint Management: 

Endpoint management of all the IoT systems makes the complete success of the system.

For example, if a coffee machine itself orders the coffee beans and we are not present at home for a few days, it leads to the failure of the IoT system. So, there must be a need for endpoint management.


Advantages of IoT

Internet of things facilitates several advantages in day-to-day life in the business sector. Which are:

  • Efficient resource utilization:  increase the efficient resource utilization as well as monitor natural resources.
  • Minimize human effort: IoT devices interact and communicate with each other and do a lot of tasks to minimize human effort.
  • Save time: it reduces human effort and saves time. Time is the primary factor.
  • Enhance Data Collection: IoT sensors collect huge data frequently.
  • Improve security: IoT systems are interconnected with other systems and things more secure and efficient.

Disadvantages of IoT

Some of the IoT challenges are given below:

  • Security: As the IoT systems are interconnected and communicate over networks. If the system has little control over any security measures, then it can be lead the various kinds of network attacks.
  • Privacy: Even without the active participation of the user, the IoT system provides substantial personal data in maximum detail.
  • Complexity: The designing, developing, maintaining, and enabling the large technology to IoT systems is quite complicated.

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