Using Hidden Fields to Save State in PHP

Using Hidden Fields to Save State in PHP

  • Use a hidden field to keep track of this value.
  • A hidden field behaves the same as a text field, except that the user cannot see it unless he views the HTML source of the document that contains it.

Saving State with a Hidden Field



<h1> First Number</h1>

<form action="math2.php" method="post">

<label for= "fn"> First Number </label>

<input type="text" name="fn" value="" id="fn" >

<p> <input type="submit" value="continue &rarr;"></p>





<h1> Second Number</h1>

<form action="math3.php" method="post">

<input type="hidden" name="fn" value=" <?php echo $_POST['fn'] ?> " id="fn" >

<label for= "sn"> Second Number </label>

<input type="text" name="sn" value="" id="sn" >

<p> <input type="submit" value="continue &rarr;"></p>





$ans = $_POST['fn'] + $_POST['sn'] ;



<h1> Answer is .....</h1>


echo "The Answer is  $ans";






  $num_to_guess = 42;

  $message = "";

  if (! isset ( $_POST ['guess'] )) {

    $message = "Welcome!";

  } else if ($_POST ['guess'] > $num_to_guess) {

    $message = $_POST ['guess'] . " is too big!";

  } else if ($_POST ['guess'] < $num_to_guess) {

    $message = $_POST ['guess'] . " is too small!";

  } else {

    $message = "Well done!";


  $guess = ( int ) $_POST ['guess'];

  $num_tries = ( int ) $_POST ['num_tries'];

  $num_tries ++;




<title>A PHP Number Guessing Script</title>



 <?php print $message?>

 Guess number: <?php print $num_tries?><br />

<form method="post" action="<?php print $_SERVER ['PHP_SELF']?>">

<input type="hidden" name="num_tries"  value="<?php print $num_tries?>" />

 Type your guess here:

 <input type="text" name="guess" value="<?php print $guess?>" />





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