Introduction of DBMS

Introduction of DBMS

Databases and database systems are an essential part of our everyday life for example:- deposit and/or withdrawal money from a bank, hotel/ airline or railway reservation, computerized library, purchase items from supermarkets, etc. 

we can store and access information by textual, numeric, audio, and multimedia formats from the database example:- Multimedia Databases( store pictures, video clips, and sound messages),   Geographical Information Systems (GIS)( store maps, weather data, and satellite images), etc., 


Data are facts and statistics stored or free-flowing over a network. Generally, it is raw, meaningless, and unprocessed. 

Data may be text, number, symbols, audio, and video, etc. ex. bank account numbers; bank customers’ names, addresses, and ages; bank transactions, and so on.

INFORMATION: - When we arrange data in a meaningful manner which are processed according to context, relevance, and purpose.

Record: - Group of related information.

File: - Group of related records. 

Database: - A collection of related data which is organized in a way. In the database, data can be easily accessed, managed, and updated. 

DBMS: - A software uses for data creation and data manipulation. It permits users to store, process, and analyze data easily. It provides an interface or a tool, to perform various operations like creating a database, storing data, updating data, creating tables, etc. it also provides protection and security to the databases. It also maintains data consistency in multiple user environments.

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