Testing Installation Of Php
Before installing you first installed apache. For this, you use xampp or wamp software.
For testing of PHP installation following these steps:-
- Download PHP advance version from php.net website.
Click on windows downloads in current stable PHP
· Click on zip file from VC15 x64 Thread Safe (2020-Aug-04 15:17:50)
Download file according to your computer (32/ 64 bits)
- Extract this file from the extractor (WinZip, WinRAR ).
- Rename this folder from PHP-7.4.8-NTS-Win32-vc15-x64 to php7.4.8
- Copy this folder and past it to the root drive ex. C-drive (by default).
- Open this folder and rename PHP. ini-development file to php.ini.
- Open php.ini file into notepad as a text file.
- Edit file according this format (remove semicolon according this formats) :-
- extension_dir = "ext"
- extension=mbstring
- extension=mysqli
- extension=odbc
- extension=openssl
- extension=pdo_mysql
- extension=pdo_odbc
- extension=pdo_pgsql
- extension=sockets
- extension=sqlite3
- extension=tidy
- extension=xsl
- save this php.ini notepad file and close.
- Set path of php
- Right click on my computer icon
- A popup menu open
- Click on a property and it displays the basic property of the computer system
- Click on advance system settings
- It displays system properties
- Click on the environment variable button from the advance tab.
- environment variable window opens
- a select path from the system variable option and clicks on the edit button.
- Edit environment variable window open:- in this window press the new button.
- A new path space display. Past PHP folder path and press ok.
- After the path setting open the command prompt.
type php -v
- press enter
- Show PHP successfully installed version.
- After checking the PHP version Open the browser and type the following command in the address bar.
- Localhost/index.php
- Press enter then apache welcome page open.
- Click on phpinfo and Php information page displays
- This page shows your PHP successfully installed.